Chapter 16: Benefits.

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The span of 45 hours wasn't the most unbearable experience for Beomgyu; it stretched into two days. Taehyun had shown kindness, regularly checking on Beomgyu every 6 hours. Beomgyu didn't particularly warm up to Taehyun's dog, but that was beside the point. Soobin and Kai had also dropped by to visit him. Now, he was in the midst of waiting for Yeonjun's return, drifting into sleep. However, as the hours ticked on, Yeonjun's delay became evident. He was running 7 hours behind the timeframe he had given Beomgyu. Despite the growing concern, Beomgyu eventually dozed off.

It was at this moment that the entrance to their dwelling creaked open—the one and only Yeonjun, of course.

Yeonjun's eagerness to reunite with Beomgyu was palpable. Having freshened up at Taehyun's lab, a habitual practice after returning from a mission, he was driven to see Beomgyu without delay. As he entered the room, his eyes immediately fell upon Beomgyu, who was peacefully asleep. Yeonjun moved closer, drawn to the sight of Beomgyu's delicate features. An almost frustratingly attractive face, he noted, with some stray strands of hair resting on Beomgyu's forehead and scattered beside him. Yielding to an impulse, Yeonjun took a seat and lightly brushed his fingers through Beomgyu's hair, a gentle gesture that roused Beomgyu from sleep.

"Uhh... you're here," Beomgyu murmured, his voice drowsy as he adjusted himself, creating more room for Yeonjun. "Yeah," came the simple response. Beomgyu noted, "You're a bit late... I've been waiting." Yeonjun explained, "Yeah... I... was at Taehyun's lab."

Yeonjun's presence felt reassuring to Beomgyu, and he shifted slightly to accommodate him better. As they settled into the moment, Beomgyu's jealousy remained, prompting him to inquire further, "At Taehyun's lab? Everything alright?" There was a hint of concern in his voice.

Yeonjun nodded, his gaze softening as he looked at Beomgyu. "Out of habit..." He paused for a moment before adding, "I'm sorry for being late though. I didn't mean to keep you waiting."

Beomgyu's expression softened, understanding the demands of Yeonjun's life. "It's okay, really. I'm just glad you're back." A genuine smile touched his lips.

"Seems like you're doing well? Is the pain still bothering you?" Yeonjun inquired, concern evident in his voice. Beomgyu shook his head, a mixture of surprise and gratitude coloring his expression. "I'm actually feeling much better now," he admitted, somewhat taken aback by the advanced medical care he had received.

Yeonjun's approval was apparent as he nodded, a small smile forming. "That's good to hear." To keep the conversation flowing, Beomgyu seized the opportunity to engage. "Are you feeling tired?" he asked, genuinely curious.

Yeonjun's head moved in a negative shake. "I managed to catch some rest earlier at... Taehyun's place." Beomgyu couldn't help but feel a pang of envy at that revelation, although he nodded understandingly.

As if to transition into a different topic, Yeonjun proposed, "How about joining me for a drink?".

"Of course," Beomgyu replied, his excitement evident. He was more than eager to share a drink with Yeonjun, the one-of-a-kind guy who, despite his past jerkish behavior, seemed to have changed for the better lately. An amused chuckle escaped him as he added, "Yay"

Yeonjun had a couple of exquisite bottles of beer at home, and he retrieved two of them from his collection. Placing the bottles on the table in front of the sofa, he settled down on the floor beside Beomgyu. With a thoughtful gesture, Yeonjun poured a glass of beer for Beomgyu, who drank it down with pure excitement. Yeonjun couldn't help but look at him admirably – he was just too cute.

"It feels like ages since I had a drink," Beomgyu remarked, a hint of longing in his voice, and he gestured for more. Yeonjun obliged, pouring another glass for him with a smile. Beomgyu then inquired, "Are you not going to have some too?" Yeonjun's response was straightforward, "You didn't pour for me." Seizing the opportunity, Beomgyu playfully suggested, "Well, let me?" He took the bottle from Yeonjun's hand and poured a glass for him.

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