Chapter 28: slow-fucking

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As he crawled onto the bed, Yeonjun's hands reached out to grasp Beomgyu's waist. He pulled beomgyu towards him, the rose petals rustling loudly beneath them. Beomgyu giggled at the sound, but Yeonjun silenced him with a passionate kiss. His tongue swept into Beomgyu's mouth, exploring every inch of it as their bodies entwined. Their hands roamed over each other's bodies, tracing every curve and plane with practiced ease. Beomgyu moaned softly as Yeonjun's hand slipped under his shirt, his fingers trailing lightly over the smooth skin of his stomach. "Yeonjun," Beomgyu gasped as Yeonjun's lips trailed down his neck, leaving a trail of fiery kisses in their wake. Without a word, Yeonjun pushed Beomgyu onto his back, trailing his lips down his chest. 

One thing about yeonjun, he always knew what beomgyu wanted. And the poor piece of cloth was already gone from beomgyu's upper body.

Yeonjun's lips moved lower, teasing one of Beomgyu's nipples with his tongue. Beomgyu gasped when Yeonjun gently bit down on it, a fiery jolt of pleasure shooting through him and settling in his groin.

"Yeonjun," Beomgyu moaned, his fingers tightly gripping Yeonjun's hair.

Yeonjun chuckled against Beomgyu's chest, enjoying the other man's reactions. 

He then began to trail soft kisses down Beomgyu's stomach, his hands slowly unbuttoning his pants. . Beomgyu bit his lip as his eyes roamed over Yeonjun's toned torso, taking in his chiseled abs. Yeonjun leaned forward to kiss Beomgyu's stomach, his hands working to undo the button on Beomgyu's pants. The soft rustle of cloth filled the room as Yeonjun pulled Beomgyu's pants off. Beomgyu gasped at the sudden exposure, his fingers twining in Yeonjun's hair.

Heat pooled in his groin as Yeonjun urged him to spread his legs wide, exposing himself to his lover. Yeonjun's gaze raked over Beomgyu's exposed body, his skin tingling in anticipation. He leaned in, pressing his lips against Beomgyu's neck. His lips traveled down his chest, his touches feather light. Beomgyu gasped as Yeonjun continued to drive him wild with his lips and tongue, his fingers roaming over his abdomen. 

Yeonjun's arousal was evident through the fabric of his boxers. He placed a soft kiss on Beomgyu's lips, his tongue asking for entrance. Beomgyu accepted, his tongue teasing Yeonjun's. As their kiss deepened, Yeonjun pushed Beomgyu onto his back, his fingers returning to trace his abdomen.

Beomgyu gasped when Yeonjun's fingers brushed over the bulge in his boxers. Yeonjun smiled at the reaction, his fingertips gliding over Beomgyu's body as if they were paintbrushes. Yeonjun slipped his hand into Beomgyu's boxers, his fingers wrapping around his member. Beomgyu arched into the touch, his fingers tightening in Yeonjun's hair. Yeonjun's hand pumped over Beomgyu's cock, creating a sticky mess."Yeonjun," Beomgyu moaned, his eyes glazing over as he stared into Yeonjun's eyes. Both men were on the edge, their bodies shuddering with need. Yeonjun continued to stroke Beomgyu's cock, his hand perfectly timed to hit his sweet spot. "Ye-Ye," Beomgyu gasped, his body tensing. Yeonjun's grip on Beomgyu's member tightened, his other hand snaking beneath him. 

Yeonjun gently pulled Beomgyu's boxer's off, allowing him to get rid of his own. He quickly removed his own pants, giving his throbbing member some much needed attention. 

He found Beomgyu's entrance with his fingers and slowly began to enter him. 

Beomgyu let out a deep moan as Yeonjun's fingers slid into him, his muscles squeezing him. Yeonjun pumped his fingers in a gentle rhythm, his lips descending upon Beomgyu's.

"Yeonjun," Beomgyu moaned. Without warning, Yeonjun removed his fingers. He leaned down to kiss Beomgyu, his hands reaching for a bottle of lubrication beside the bed. He poured some of it onto his fingers, then reached down to coat Beomgyu's entrance once again.

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