Chapter 26: Crap

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As Beomgyu gradually regained consciousness, his senses began to sharpen, and he became aware of his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was the sensation of being carried, cradled securely in someone's arms – Yeonjun's arms, to be precise. A sense of familiarity and comfort washed over him.

He could hear the distinct sound of a door unlocking, followed by the waft of a familiar scent that tugged at the corners of his memory – the scent of their home. Confusion swirled in his mind as he tried to piece together the sequence of events. How had he ended up here? When had he fallen asleep?

"Are you awake?" Beomgyu heard Yeonjun's voice, and he responded with a silent nod. Gradually, he realized he was back in bed, nestled in the comfort of Yeonjun's embrace. He let out a contented sigh and slowly opened his eyes, his gaze falling upon the handsome visage of Yeonjun. It was as if he were gazing upon a work of art, a beauty that left him wondering if Yeonjun could be likened to a Greek god.

"Did I sleep?" Beomgyu inquired, a hint of confusion in his voice. Yeonjun chuckled softly. Indeed, Beomgyu had dozed off on Soobin's couch.

"Yes, you did sleep," Yeonjun affirmed, a fond smile gracing his lips as he began to make his way towards his side of the room. But it wasn't his side; Yeonjun had been living in Beomgyu's side of the room for a week now.

Beomgyu sat up in bed, watching as Yeonjun turned back to face him. "Where are you going?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Yeonjun flashed a warm smile and replied, "I'm going to change... and then we have somewhere to go."


It was Beomgyu's inaugural visit to the meeting room that Yeonjun had often described, where they strategized and planned their missions. The room had a certain ambience to it, cloaked in dim lighting that lent an air of mystery. As he stepped inside, Beomgyu noticed that it was bustling with people, many of whom he had never encountered before, including some women. Amidst the unfamiliar faces, his eyes finally settled on the only two individuals he recognized – Kai and Soobin.

A heavy feeling of guilt and unease settled upon Beomgyu. Kai avoided making eye contact with him, and Beomgyu couldn't help but wonder if it was out of shame. The tension in the room was palpable, and Beomgyu sensed that something was amiss.

Then, Soobin's voice shattered the silence. "Hey, Beomgyu!" Soobin called out, pulling Beomgyu's attention away from Kai. Beomgyu approached Soobin and greeted him with a friendly smile. "Hey, Soobin."

Soobin launched into a rambling monologue, sharing his grievances about Yeonjun and recounting how unwell he had felt upon waking up earlier. Beomgyu listened attentively; Soobin was a kind-hearted person, and Beomgyu valued their friendship. However, his feelings towards the person sitting beside Soobin were beginning to shift, as he found himself growing increasingly resentful of Kai.

Beomgyu wrestled with a difficult decision, contemplating whether he should dtell what he had witnessed to Soobin. On one hand, he believed that Soobin deserved to know the truth – that his partner was cheating on him. But on the other hand, the mere thought of Soobin's dimples fading away, his happiness tarnished by the painful revelation, gave Beomgyu pause.

"Gyu," Beomgyu heard someone say, and a warm, outstretched arm settled on his shoulders. He turned to see Yeonjun, whose eyes held not rivalry but a smile. Beomgyu couldn't help but notice that the tension between Soobin and Yeonjun seemed to be thawing.

Yeonjun, in a playful tone, declared, "I'm taking him," directing his words toward Soobin, attempting to tease his friend. Soobin responded with a smirk, "Take him," and then turned his gaze toward Kai, saying, "I already have my boy with me." It prompted Kai and Beomgyu to exchange a meaningful look, a shared expression known only to them.

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