Chapter 27: Slow dancing

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Hand in hand, Beomgyu and Yeonjun entered their home. The moment they stepped inside, Beomgyu noticed that it was unusually dark. He turned to Yeonjun, concern in his voice, and asked, "Is something wrong with the lights?" His mind was still weighed down by his thoughts about his relationship with Yeonjun, the mission, and the complicated situation with Kai and Soobin.

Yeonjun, however, assured him, "Nope," and gently guided Beomgyu through the darkness. Beomgyu followed him blindly, unsure of what was happening. Suddenly, the entire room lit up, not with regular lights but with a soft glow of golden fairy lights. The room was filled with the sweet scent of roses, and Beomgyu could see candles flickering, creating a warm and romantic atmosphere. It all felt so surreal, and Beomgyu couldn't help but stand there with his mouth slightly agape, taking in the breathtaking scene.

Yeonjun chuckled at Beomgyu's reaction and continued guiding him until they stood in front of their couch. He spoke with a playful wink, "Thought we could spend some quality time together." Beomgyu's shyness gave way to a sweet smile, and he nodded in agreement. Everything looked so dreamlike, and he was overwhelmed with happiness.

As Yeonjun stepped away for a moment, Beomgyu noticed a CD player on the table. He gasped in surprise and delight, realizing what Yeonjun had planned. Yeonjun started playing a song, and the soft, melodious music filled the room. Beomgyu felt his heart swell with emotion.

Yeonjun approached Beomgyu, extending his hand and asking with politeness and affection, "Will you dance with me, Beomgyu?" Beomgyu's response was immediate and full of trust. He placed his hands in Yeonjun's, willing to follow him anywhere, completely lost in the magical moment.

 It's about time we get it straight
Gimme a minute if it ain't too late

 The soft, sensual notes of the song filled the room as Beomgyu and Yeonjun swayed gently together. Their eyes locked onto each other, the world around them fading away, leaving only the two of them in their intimate bubble.

♫ It sounds about right
This can't be forced, babe
It shouldn't feel like this

Yeonjun's hand slid gently down Beomgyu's back, pulling him closer until their bodies were pressed together. Beomgyu's heart raced as he felt the warmth of Yeonjun's body against his own. "Don't step on my foot," Yeonjun whispered, his voice low and filled with admiration.A soft blush spread across Beomgyu's cheeks as he replied, "I won't" Their faces were so close now that Beomgyu could feel Yeonjun's warm breath against his skin.

♫ Hurts too much already
Stay with me 'til the end of the day

They continued to move together, their bodies in perfect harmony with the music. Beomgyu's fingers lightly traced the contours of Yeonjun's face, feeling the strong lines and delicate features that he loved so much. "This is all... very beautiful" Beomgyu confessed, his voice trembling with emotion.

♫ Maybe we Could be Slow dancing

Yeonjun's eyes shimmered with tenderness as he whispered back, "You talk alot" His fingers tangled in Beomgyu's hair as their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss. The kiss was like a feather landing on his lips, gentle and calming.

♫ We could be romancing
The night away

As the song continued, Beomgyu rested his head on Yeonjun's shoulder, their bodies swaying together in perfect rhythm. "You dance very well" Beomgyu murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.Yeonjun tightened his embrace around Beomgyu, his heart overflowing with love. "So do you" he said, his lips brushing against Beomgyu's ear.

♫ Turnin' me up and back off like this , What do you want? Do you not like it?

 But as the song began to draw to a close, Beomgyu felt tears welling up in his eyes. He knew that their time together was temporary, and he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the depth of his feelings. All of this fantasy had to come to a end one day.

♫ Stop teasin' me, boy , Now, you made me leave my heart out here

Yeonjun noticed the change in Beomgyu's expression and gently lifted his head to meet his gaze. "What's wrong?" he asked, concern in his eyes.

♫ Step on me and I'll lift you up, Find someone new again (Got it on, did you?)

Beomgyu smiled through his tears and replied, "Nothing's wrong. Everything's perfect. It's just... I love you so much, Yeonjun, and I never want to let you go." he was just wondering if yeonjun would look at him the same way if he knew who actually beomgyu was. Would he hold him like this? kiss him softly? ask him what's wrong?

♫ We were so much alike, Now we're just distant neighbors

Yeonjun's eyes glistened with tears of his own as he whispered, "You scared me dummy" he smiled.

♫ Maybe we
Could be
Slow dancing
Until the morning
We could be romancing
The night away

As the music slowly faded away, they held each other's hands and linked their foreheads. Yeonjun looked into Beomgyu's eyes and said, "If this isn't paradise... i don't know what is" Beomgyu's heart melted as he smiled and pulled Yeonjun closer to him, wishing the moment would last forever. But it wouldn't, and he knew that very well.

He knew that he was living in fantasy and that it had to end one day. But if it was Yeonjun's hand that strangled him, Beomgyu would die happily.  All he wanted was to be claimed by Yeonjun, to be his.

As Beomgyu gazed at the rose petals scattered all over the king-sized bed, a playful smile tugged at his lips. He couldn't resist teasing Yeonjun, whose eyes held a mischievous glint."What's all this for?" Beomgyu asked, feigning innocence.Yeonjun's smirk grew wider as he replied, his voice low and husky, "Well, what do you think it's for?"

With a seductive gleam in his eyes, Beomgyu released Yeonjun's hand and gracefully moved towards the bed. He lowered himself onto it, his fingers trailing lightly over the velvety petals, creating an enticing image that didn't go unnoticed by Yeonjun.As Beomgyu continued to playfully interact with the scattered roses, his movements took on a sensual quality, stirring desire in Yeonjun's heart. The atmosphere in the room grew heated, charged with their unspoken longing.

Yeonjun couldn't resist any longer. He joined Beomgyu on the bed, his eyes locked onto the tempting vision before him. 

As he crawled onto the bed, Yeonjun's hands reached out to grasp Beomgyu's waist. He pulled beomgyu towards him, the rose petals rustling loudly beneath them. Beomgyu giggled at the sound, but Yeonjun silenced him with a passionate kiss. His tongue swept into Beomgyu's mouth, exploring every inch of it as their bodies entwined.Their hands roamed over each other's bodies, tracing every curve and plane with practiced ease. Beomgyu moaned softly as Yeonjun's hand slipped under his shirt, his fingers trailing lightly over the smooth skin of his stomach."Yeonjun," Beomgyu gasped as Yeonjun's lips trailed down his neck, leaving a trail of fiery kisses in their wake.  Without a word, Yeonjun pushed Beomgyu onto his back, trailing his lips down his chest. One thing about yeonjun, he always knew what beomgyu wanted.


so as you all knoww... i'm veryy veryy innocent.

Warning: Smut in next chapter.

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