Trauma bonding - Dabi

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Word count: 1764

Warnings: Mentions of childhood trauma, spoilers for Dabi's past if you haven't seen that bit yet, talk of killing endeavor.

A/n: I went for a more reader is also the kid of dick prohero and became a villain. based on above prompt

Being the child of a hero wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Having the constant pressure of being better than your parents and proving that you're also great at saving people sucks. I spent my entire childhood trying to prove myself and when I failed to get into U.A my life just got worse. I was kicked out because how could I not get into the best hero school with my quirk.

My quirk let me draw energy from the moon and stars and turn it into powerful attacks. I was also able to heal minor wounds with my quirk but nothing substantial enough to go into a medical field. Having a quirk that relied on the moon meant that taking the entrance exam in the middle of the day was extremely difficult, this resulted in me not scoring enough points to get in. This pissed off my parents who called me a disappointment for not being able to use my quirk during the day, not my fault but ok, they said they couldn't bear to deal with a child that couldn't be a hero so they kicked me out.

That was eight years ago. I've spent that time living on the street and doing some not so legal things to survive. Being able to use my quirk at night made it fairly easy to steal from shops and people wandering the wrong parts of town late at night. I quickly earned the villain name of Moon Spirit. Now don't get me wrong I wasn't a villain in the sense of hurting people just to hurt people. I only did it to survive, if someone got hurt maybe they shouldn't have been in my way.

My ability to unleash powerful attacks at night is what led the League of Villains to recruit me. They were planning an attack on U.A's current Class 1-A. This attack was to happen at night up in the woods, and they figured having my powers there would be valuable. They weren't wrong, I was able to help keep the Pro-heroes distracted while the rest of the group went after a kid named Bakugo. After the attack and nearly being caught by All Might I officially joined the league. It just made sense, working in a group would offer more protection not to mention our goal was to overthrow this corrupt hero loving society, which was down to help with.

I hated heroes after what my parents did and that hate only grew stronger as I got closer to a certain fire user who trusted me with the truth of his past. After finding out that Dabi was Endeavor's oldest kid and hearing how the flaming ass treated his kids, I knew I would help Dabi take out the overgrown birthday candle. He also became aware of my past and agreed to help me take out my parents as well.

All of this happened in one of our secret late night meetings. Every night one of us would sneak into the other's room and we would just relax. SOmetimes it would be playing some video game I managed to steal from Shigaraki, other nights we just layed down and vented about our trash parents. Right now it was a more relaxing night, I had Kurogiri warp me to a convenience store nearby where I snagged a bunch of candy and sodas, and now we are just watching random shows trying to forget the trauma of our life and enjoy each other's presence.

The comfortable silence that overcame the room as the current program ended on the tv was broken by Dabi. "What are we doing? I know what the League's plan is, that's not what I'm talking about." He asked and then began clarifying what he ment. "I mean what are me and you doing? We both know this probably isn't going to end well, one of us is going to get captured or hurt. We shouldn't be doing this, hanging out late at night sharing secrets and trauma bonding." He stated sitting up and moving away from me.

I was in complete shock. I know he's right but I thought we were doing more than trauma bonding and I had to voice that. "I don't think we are just trauma bonding, if that was the case you would have told me about your past long before these late night hang outs. You're right that one of us is probably going to end up hurt or in jail but why can't we enjoy our time together." I said trying to get him to see that even if shit goes south in the future we can enjoy right now. "If you feel that sneaking out to talk in the middle of the night is pointless then just say the word, and I will go back to my room and act like nothing ever happened. But if you do that now you can't change your mind. If there is any doubt in your mind that you still want to have these late night meet ups, then be quiet and play the next show." I didn't want to leave but if Dabi wanted to end it then so be it. I would walk away and lock these feelings away and pretend nothing ever happened.

Dabi stayed silent for a moment. "I don't want to stop doing this, but if we keep doing it I won't be able to go through with my plan. I've grown too attached to you, I need to let you go before I change my mind on other plans." He said not fully explaining himself.

"What does that even mean? You grew too attached to me? Like you caught feelings, cause if that's the case news flash so have I but that doesn't mean you have to change any plans for that. I accepted that we may lose each other but I want us to spend whatever time we have left together. Don't make us stop being together because you think you're going to die, you should instead make more time for us to enjoy each other's company." I expressed my feelings, not noticing that he was staring at me wide-eyed not having expected this reaction. "I love you, Toya. And I'm tired of hiding it. If you really think you can't go through with killing your dad because of your feelings for me then don't do it. Hurt him in a different way, make him wish he was dead. But don't cut me off." I now had tears running down my face, not realizing what I had called him.

To say Dabi was stunned would be an understatement. He never expected that suggesting our hangouts stop would lead to me saying I loved him, and definitely not me calling him his real name for the first time. "I-i love you too. But I wouldn't even know where to start. The only way I can think to hurt him in such a way is hurting my brothers and sister, and I can't do that. The best way to get revenge is to kill him and the only way for me to do that is to sacrifice myself." He was letting his thoughts flow with no filter. It was the first time he admitted that he couldn't hurt his siblings. "I know I said in the past I could hurt Shoto but I don't think I can. I have to kill Endeavor . That's the only way to make him pay for everything he has done to us." He had blood leaking from the staples near his eyes at this point. It would have scared me if I didn't know that was because of how damaged his tear ducts are.

I reached over and rested my hands under his eyes, letting the small amount of energy I gathered on my trip to store relieve some of the pain near his eyes. "It's good to know that your feelings about hurting your siblings have changed, all they have done is be hurt by your father. I can see why you think killing him is the best option, but what if we did something a little less violent for once? I have a few ideas and it would hurt both of our parents." I said trying to find a solution so that maybe he doesn't have to die to get revenge. He looked at me confused for a second but nodded for me to continue. "We make videos. And before you ask, let me explain. We make videos telling the world all horrible things our parents have done. You tell the world how Enji Todoroki is an abusive ass who views his children as weapons to take down All Might, and when they don't meet his standards he casts them aside like trash. Show them who you are. Let the world know that the new number one hero's kid is alive and fighting against him. I'll do the same explaining how my parents kicked me out because I couldn't be a hero. And to add salt to the wound we tell the world that we can't be stopped as long as we have each other." I told him.

He just looked at me for a second, before he responded. "I will agree to do that but only if you agree to never call me Toya again. As well as if he doesn't completely break from being exposed as a horrible father you help me kill him, you have to help me end him so we both live." He said resting his own hand on my check.

I blushed as I realized I had in fact called him Toya earlier when my emotions had gotten the best of me. I just smiled and nodded. "If he somehow manages to overcome being outed as a dick, I will help you end him. And I apologize for calling you that. Let me rephrase, I love you Dabi." I said with a smile. "Now if we are done with this mushy shit, I would like to watch some more movies with my boyfriend if that's okay with you." I smirked at him as a slight blush over took his own face, well at least the parts not covered with deep purple scars.

"Yeah, whatever." he responded and moved so we were back to laying against each other to see the tv. The only difference was instead of crossing his arms behind his head he had one draped over my shoulders pulling me closer.

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