An allegory for Love - Aziraphale

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A/n: Welcome back, I had fun writing this, and I hope you like it. You also have a great day/evening and remember to eat something. Requests are still open so if you have any more fun ideas don't be afraid to send them in. based on above request from tumblr

Word count: 1322

Paring: Aziraphale x gn! reader

I truly enjoyed books, and so did my angel friend Aziraphale. That's why I thought the best way to confess my love to the white haired angel would be to write him a book. Now I didn't just write 'I love you, Aziraphale' in a book, that would be too easy and I wanted to have a little fun with it. I also have loved allegories for the longest time and thought it would be a great story telling tool to get my point across. So I wrote a book and made sure he would get the first copy, signed by me of course.

Walking into A.Z. Fell and Co. I couldn't hide my smile as I called out for my favorite angel. "Aziraphale, where are you? I have something for you." I was greeted by Aziraphale walking down the stairs setting down the book he had in his hands.

"Hello, Y/n. What have you brought?" He asked, voice laced with curiosity. He motioned me towards two chairs sitting close to his desk, offering me a seat.

I declined the offer with a simple shake of my head. "It's okay. I just stopped by to give you this. You know I've been working on this book and it's officially finished and so I thought I would hand over a signed first edition to my favorite book worm in person." I said with a smile, passing the angel the book.

He inspected the cover, smiling at the title Love beyond Heaven followed by my name at the bottom. "It is truly spectacular, I can't wait to read it. Thank you, for such a thoughtful gift." He said, running his hand over the cover. I just nodded in response, wishing him farewell and asking that he calls to tell me what he thinks when he finishes it. I didn't want to wait around, the nerves had set in realizing that I had actually just handed over my confession to one of my best friends.

P.o.V to Aziraphale reading the book

The angel watched as his friend left his shop in a hurry, while it was odd that they didn't at least stay for a cup of tea he brushed it off as them having other things to do and had just stopped by to give him the book. He smiled to himself as took the book and sat at his desk ready to read the lovely words his friend had put together. Having been friends for a while, and knowing Y/n's taste in books he wasn't shocked to see that they had written a romance novel, and thought it was just that. A normal romance novel that has probably been written hundreds of times over with different characters and settings, but boy was he wrong.

Upon opening the book he was surprised to see that unlike most books this one lacked a dedication page, and the promised signature was not on the first couple pages. Brushing it off as maybe Y/n had actually forgotten to sign the book in their excitement to give it to him, so he decided to keep reading and asking them to sign it later when they spoke next.

He started reading, the book seemed straight forward, the main character falling for their best friend. He got through the first few chapters before he noticed one detail that he had previously brushed aside. The best friend was described as 'angelic' and having a fascination with the way the world around them works. What brought this to his attention was it was just revealed the angelic best friend owned a gaming store that featured the first edition of many video games and board games from throughout history. He couldn't help but notice some similarities between himself and the main character, but again thought it must just be coincidence.

As the angel read on he began noticing more and more similarities between the book and real life. For example, main character had gotten sick and pushed themself to far eventually passing out in front of their best friend who then spent days nursing them back to health in the apartment above the game shop, much like he had done for Y/n shortly after the pandemic hit and they had denied for days that they didn't have covid. Another shared experience with the characters of the book was spending weekends enjoying eachothers company with tea and a good book, only in the story it was calm video games instead of a large novel.

It kept going, Aziraphale kept piecing together that this book was based on real life, and apparently an allegory of his friendship with the shy human. The only thing that confused him was as far as he knew Y/n didn't feel that way about him. Sure he loved everything about them, like how they are truly fascinated by his massive book collection, and how they enjoy bugging Crowley just to see the demon upset. The angel wasn't ready to admit it but he was deeply in love with Y/n and he hoped that the implications of the book were correct. That the sweet playful human Loved him back.

When he reached the last page of the final chapter he was truly astonished to see that it had ended with the main character admitting their feelings with a custom video game. It couldn't be a coincidence that Y/n wrote this book to end in such a way, and then give the first copy to him. He flipped the page one last time to find the missing dedication page and the handwritten note from Y/n on the last page of the book.

The dedication read 'This book is dedicated to my best friend, Aziraphale. Without him I would have never had the courage to write this book.' The angel couldn't hold back a smile as he read that. One of his best friends wrote a book and dedicated it to him. He then looked down at the handwritten note that took up half the page.

'Dear Aziraphale, I can't begin to explain how much you mean to me. Spending rainy days reading and drinking tea with you are some of my favorite days. I don't know what I would do without you, you mean everything to me. I hope by the time you reach this point of the book you've already figured it out. But I guess I'll say it anyway. I love you, Aziraphale. I love how you collect so many books because you truly love to see the inner workings of the human mind. I love that you enjoy food even if you don't need it, I love that you don't fault me for being human. You bring me so much joy and I hope you understand that. I mean this with every fiber of my being you are the best thing to ever happen to me, Again I Love You, Aziraphale.' - Love Y/n

The angel smiled to himself. He was amazed at how thoughtful you had been. You wrote an entire book just to tell him how you feel. He would treasure this forever. It is now his most prized possession, no other book will ever compare. Without putting much thought into what time of day it was or what Y/n might be up to he immediately dialed the number he had memorized since it was given to him.

P.o.V back to Y/n

I was awoken to the sound of my phone ringing on my nightstand. I looked briefly at the clock, seeing that it was nearly 3 in the morning, before answering, ready to yell at whoever woke me up. But I didn't get the chance, before I could open my mouth to start yelling I heard the four words I had dreamt of hearing for so long.

"I love you too."

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