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'This is my Jinsei'

You heard your mother, Midnight, yell from downstairs, "Y/n! I have to go out on a mission, stay home and make sure to stay safe!" They were the only words I could hear before she slammed the front door shut. I flipped on the tv, the news being the first thing to pop up. Death Arms was holding a cut off power line, nice.

Death Arms was one of the people that helped me train my quirk and to get stronger. He might seem scary by looks, but he is nice at heart. He has never actually told me his real name, he just tells me to call him by his hero name or just Death or Arms.

Kamui Woods then appeared outta nowhere, getting closer to the villain. Just like Mr Arms, Kamui helps me train, just my quirk mainly though. Unlike Death Arms, Kamui actually told me his name, Nishiya Shinji. He began to use his quirk, swinging around a power line to go straight forward towards the villain. The monster was down on the ground after Kamui used his wood to hold their arm down, cool! Nishiya started running up the dudes arm, using his quirk to hit the guy in the face then flying off into the air. Once far enough away, he used his special ability, Binding Lacquered Chain Prison. The dude was new to the job, but damn he was good.

Just when it was about the hit the villain, something stopped him. "Canyon Cannon!" Mt. Lady flew down, kicking the dude in the face. Man, this lass is just annoying. I understand why mom hates her, she just took away Nishiya's pride moment. Its the fact how when the cameras started flashing, she called herself the new hottest hero. Even though shes my mother, Nemuri is by far the hottest hero and way better than that weirdo. All Mt. Lady does is trick people into getting her free stuff cause she supposedly 'left her wallet in a different suit', total bullshit.

After a few minutes, my mother arrived at the scene, seeing the villain getting dragged away. Reporters started asking her where she has been and how she is doing, a few of them even asked where i am. To that, all she answered was, "She's training to go to the U.A entrance exam even though it is a few months away, I guess she's just excited to learn some new stuff!" I smiled at the screen, it is true, I was excited to go to U.A. A bunch of heroes wrote some recommendations for me, surprisingly even Endeavor did too. Must show how amazing I am and how this wonderful person should have the proper training to become a hero. All the reporters seemed pleased with that answer, getting back into the questions on how she is and where she has been. It just made me smile, despite being around for a long time as a hero, she is still really popular and has a lot of boys wanting to get with her. Some of them even come to our house to ask her on a date or just to get a picture of her.

I checked the time, seeing that it was already 7:50am. I quickly shut off the tv, shoving my shoes on and grabbing my school bag. Luckily for me, I was already in my school uniform. At any moment now, a black car should arrive to take me to school. Despite all my mothers declining, I kept begging to finally go to High school when i was just 14. Finally after a lot of persuading off many other heroes with them saying that I needed to experience making friends, she said yes. I heard a loud honk outside, must be the car. I headed out the house, locking the front door before making my way to the car.


"Here we are Miss Kayama, have a good day." The driver unlocked the passenger door for me to get out. I smiled at them, "You too, and just call me Y/n, calling me Miss Kayama just makes me feel old." They just gave me a small smile before making me go into school. I got out of the car while closing the door, waving the driver goodbye. They were really nice, I'm glad to have them dropping me off at school instead of some old guy.

I looked at the school, Soumei Junior High School. Hopefully my last few months here will be good before I go off to U.A if I get in.

Jinsei - S. TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now