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I flopped down on the couch, switching on the tv. None of the channels were working, strange. "Mom! The tv isn't working!" I groaned. This is the only time I can actually relax and this stupid tv won't let me. I heard Nemuri walk into the living room, "Strange, the WiFi must be down." "Then what am I supposed to do now?" I put my feet up onto the coffee table. "You could go do your homework, don't think I forgot about you doing that." She crossed her arms. I mumbled a quiet, "Fine." while walking up to my room. I sat down on my queen sized bed, putting my bag down and grabbing out my homework.

It was fairly easy, just some questions about what we would do in a villain attack and a bunch more shitty questions. All of a sudden, I heard a loud explosion. "Mom, what was that!" I opened my bedroom door, looking over the balcony. "I don't know honey! I'll go check it out!" She said while heading out of the house, leaving me home alone.

Great. First the WiFi isn't working, now I'm home alone. I flip on the tv, hoping it magically starts working. Luckily for me, it was. The news was on every channel, strange. There I saw it, a massive blob monster, the one that All Might was chasing earlier. Shit, he must've let it get away. I watched as It cause chaos amongst the city, buildings catching on fire. Heroes where trying to stop it, but nearly got sucked in while doing so. There was a boy in the monster, that must be why there is fire everywhere. Explosions were coming out of the creature, great. We need All might to come already.

More and more heroes were pouring in, all trying to stop it. Even Mt. Lady appeared despite my praying's for her not to. All of a sudden, a boy went running towards the criminal. Izuku Midoriya. Shit, what is he thinking running into such a powerful being like that. He began clawing at it, trying to let the boy free. At this rate, Midoriya is going to get hurt. My biggest concern though is my mother not being there. She said she would go, but why isn't she there then?

Finally, All Might appeared. Just like Midoriya, he started ripping at the beast. Unlike the other time, chunks of it came flying off. "JUST BEAT HIS ASS ALREADY!" I shouted at the screen. Normally, he never stalls that long. Just as I said that, he finally did it. He full on punched the guy, launching him into fuck knows where. I don't understand how he could do that while holding 2 literal children in 1 hand. Still though, my mom isn't there.


"Hey, Y/n! Did you see what happened yesterday!" Lika appeared next to me, continuing what she was saying, "All Might totally beat his ass!" She balled up two fists and punched the air, making my laugh a little. I smiled, "Yeah, he sure did." She gave me the biggest grin before sitting on my desk, "So, what class do you think we'll be in once we get to U.A?" "Hopefully the best one ever." I looked up at her. "Yeah, hopefully." She jumped off the table.

I thought about something for a second before saying it, "So, what is your quirk anyway? I never actually found out." She smacked her head, "Omg, I totally forgot about that! It's Blood Manipulation. I can control someones movements but only up to 10 minutes. If I use it for longer than that, my quirk can go a bit insane and control anyone that is near me's movements without me even being able to control what they are doing." "Woah! That is so crazy cool!" My eyes widened, I've never heard of a quirk like that before. It must be really rare, I wonder if mom knew about it.

She covered her face, "Yeah, thats why most of the time I either have a nose bleed, crying blood or coughing it up." "Ohhh." I looked down. Poor girl, that shit must be painful.


Someone walked into the classroom, "Hey, can I take Kayama Y/n for a bit?" Omg, fucking Hawks was here. "Yeah of course." The teacher started blushing. I stood up, grabbing my bag and heading straight up to Hawks who lead me out of the classroom, closing the door. "What did you need?" I looked at him. He crossed his arms, "Your mother told me that you have been struggling with your quirk, so here I am to take you out of school and train you." "Well, how are you going to train me." "Easy enough, I got Endeavor to help out. With his fire and your waves, its bound to have some effect of strength on you." He smirked, great. Hawks knew of my dislike to the fire man, and now hes making me train with him.

Finally, we got to where Hawks said the training would be. It was in a massive hidden space from everyone. Endeavor was stood there, checking the time before seeing me. "Ah shit." I mumbled, putting my hair up into a messy bun and taking my tie + blazer off, throwing it on the ground. He bowed down, "Good luck Miss Kayama." I followed along, bowing to him.

At last, the battle begun. Endeavor sprung forward, holding his hand out with a flame already rising. I used my quirk to make a ball of water, throwing it towards him. I would've hoped it was someone else, someone without a fire quirk. Fire and water don't work very well together, not even in battle. Just while in my thoughts, he sent a wave of fire towards me, making me block it with a large amount of water. Unfortunately, he did this multiple times.

I haven't done this in a while, but it's the only chance I got. While Endeavor was distracted, I created a whirlpool. It's pretty simple, just a pit of water that the victim gets sucked into until I let it go. Just then, he turned around and saw the thing amongst him. I shot it forward to him, sucking the man into it. Great, now I just have to keep him there for a few moments before letting him go.

After a few seconds, I heard Hawks shout, "Y/n! You win! Let the man go!" At them words, I dropped Endeavor on the ground. Immediately, he shot up to his feet. "Good game." I said, bowing to him. He did the same while groaning, making me smirk. I turned towards Hawks, "So, how did I do?" He smiled at me, "Amazing baby bird, you are getting better at controlling your quirk." I slapped the back of his neck as he started walking away, "I'm not your fucking baby bird!" He just laughed, letting me follow him.



"Father, why are you home so early?" Fuyumi came around the corner, Shoto following along. He smirked, "I just decided to come home a bit earlier after fighting Kayama Y/n." Fuyumi was completely shocked, "You fought the Kayama Y/n? The one barely anyone sees?!?!" He nodded, "She won, but I'm still proud." "Who is this Kayama girl?" Shoto said blankly. Fuyumi turned ovet to him, "'This Kayama girl' is the most famous and most mysterious girl ever who is suprisingly related to midnight! She's so amazing, I dont understand how you don't know who she is!"


Hey guys!

I tried to include Y/n's quirk a bit more seeing as her quirk hasn't been shown yet! I also tried to make the chapter a bit more longer, seeing as I'm going to try my best to do that every chapter so far!

I really like how I added a small snippet of the Todoroki family, it at least shows a bit of appreciation towards them! I totally see Fuyumi as a massive fan and Shoto not knowing who Y/n is. In future chapters, I might add some more snippets of their family, just before Y/n actually goes to U.A

I am gonna quickly say this before finishing this chapter off but with Y/n's quirk, the water she produces isn't sea water. Due to her mother's quirk being water control, Y/n got that from her. Seeing as her father got animal control, Y/n also inherited that. With both the quirks combined, it made it so that the only animals Y/n could control was sea animals. This basically makes up the name 'ocean control'. Sorry if that was a bit confusing, I just had to say it here since I forgot to include it to the introduction!

Anyways, hope you are enjoying this book so far! Y/n will actually be going to U.A in a few more chapters so thats something to look forward to!

See y'all later!

Jinsei - S. TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now