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"Hey Y/n! How has your morning been?" A bunch of people in my class huddled around me. Seeing as everyone knew that I was Midnight's daughter when I was just 10, they made me known to pretty much everyone, making me really popular. I smiled at them, "Pretty good so far, what about you guys?"




Is most the responses i got, except for one. A girl smiled at me and said, "I'm glad to know you're doing good, and I'm good thanks." I smiled back at her, at least like 2 people in this class or even whole school are actually normal human beings and don't act like such fangirls and boys. "By any chance, what is your name? I never actually got it this whole school year." I asked the girl, turning my head to the side. Her eyes sparkled, "Siape Lika, but you can just call me Lika." I held out my hand to her, "Well, do you want to be friends Lika?" She nodded over and over again, shaking my hand. It's nice to know that I have a friend here now. Even with everyone trying to be my friend, I politely declined. I know they were going to just use me for my popularity and try to get my to do their homework.


"Okay everyone, now its time to say who got the highest chance of getting into U.A!" My teacher smiled at us. She was nice, but she was the same as everyone, favouriting me just because of popularity and fame. She looked through the list, "Tenya Iida, you have a really high chance of getting in." "Thank you Miss!" Tenya stood up and bowed, then sitting back down.

"Siape Lika, you do too." The teacher just looked at her with a blank expression. Lika smiled brightly while looking at me, making me smile back and give her a fist bump.

"You too Y/n, Congratulations!" She smiled brightly at me. Everyone starting chanting 'Y/n for U.A!'. I put my head down on my desk, mumbling a quiet, "Thanks." Why does everyone have to be so cringy, like yes I know I'm famous but don't need to chant my fucking name.

"Now, now everyone quiet down. Seeing as we want to do our very best at becoming heroes, how about we watch the news to see what they're doing today!" She put the massive screen on from behind her, switching on the news. We saw All Might, chasing after some goo monster stealing some money. Gross, who would want a quirk like that. We were all just waiting in silence, wanting All Might to catch the thing.

"Hey Y/n, haven't you actually met All Might in real life before since your mom is such good partners with him?" Someone from in front of me turned around, making everyone look at me, even the teacher. "Y-Yeah a few times I've talked to him but just about his job thats all." I put my hand behind my neck, my cheeks going red.


"How is he like?"

"Is he as cool as he is on camera?"

I just rolled my eyes, watching the screen. Ugh, while I was distracted with them, it seems like All Might left with the criminal.


I saw a green haired boy, walking all alone. That's sad, he looked lonely. I walked up to him, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Hey are you alright? You seemed kinda sad." I smiled at him, hoping it would make him better. "Aren't you Kayama Y/n?" He turned to me, shocked. I nodded, "So, are you alright?" "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. My book just got a little burnt thats all." He looked down. Without thinking, I hugged the boy, "It'll be alright. Whoever did that is a total asshole." He just stood there, blushing his head off. This was the first time a girl, except his mother, hugged him. You let go of him, smiling.

Just then, a black car arrived next to where you two were. "Miss Kayama?" The driver looked at me. I nodded, already expecting what they were going to say. They unlocked the door, "Get in, your mother is already in the back waiting for you." I turned to the boy, "Well, hopefully I will see you again at some point. What is your name may I ask?" "O-Oh! Midoriya Izuku Ma'am!" He bowed to me. I smiled, "Well, nice to meet you Midoriya. See you soon." I quickly get into the car, waving to the boy who was stood still. He was really red, must be off that hug. "Bye!" I waved to him before closing the door and driving off.

"So, who was that boy?" My mother turned to me. I looked at her, "A boy I bumped into earlier. I just stuck with him because he seemed lonely, thats all." She made an 'mhm' noise, making me turn to the window and stare out of it. I wonder what life would have been like if I was still with my biological mother. Would I still be popular? Answer to that was probably not. My parents only became popular after All Might rescued them from the explosion that caused their death. If he had gotten there earlier, they would've still been alive.

Jinsei - S. TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now