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"Sir, are you injured in any way or need medical help?" I ran up to an old man, holding him up as he was about to fall down. We were onto the second part, saving lives. He looked at me, "My head really hurts, but thats all." I looked at his head, and it was bleeding heavily. I put my hand onto the wound, "Okay sir. Can you still walk?" He nodded. I showed a small smile, "Well, put pressure on your wound while I help you out of this mess." "That is one point onto your score, you worked that out perfectly." He smiled at me.

This was all chaos, I was loosing points then gaining them back. The only reason I was loosing them is because I didn't check if they could walk or breath alright. Most of them were babies, but some were also children and old people. I was sent to the first aid centre half way through, having to control their blood flow and clean it off them.

A villain attack then went off, shit. Gang Orca and his assistants were the ones attacking, meaning they knew all our tactics. I ran straight into battle, choosing to fight. I must do this, so I can train more to become the best villain I can. A villain ran straight into me, being extremely quick. I reacted quickly, manipulating their blood to throw them into a wall. They dropped to the floor, not moving. They looked fine, no injuries just a passed out villain.

After taking out another 2, I noticed something. I was continuously coughing up blood, my eyes were also bleeding too. This must mean that I'm either doing well, or I'm over my limit. Either way, It also means my eyes have gone red by now. I could just turn them back to normal, but with my eyes bleeding, I do look pretty cool.

I jumped into the air, blood lines holding me up into the air. Multiple villains noticed this, heroes too. I sprung into action, controlling villains quirks and tying them up in blood ropes. From afar, it looked like Todoroki and another kid were fighting Gang Orca. This means that we've been left with the assistants or with the job of rescue. I scoffed, "Seriously! You've just took the main source of action to yourselves!" I chucked another assistant to the side as they tried to attack me. God, maybe I shouldn't be this high up in the sky. It's obviously attracting them all towards me.


In the end I passed. My name was right underneath Sero's, Oli's being below mine. Todoroki and Bakugo didn't pass, which was rare. They are the top 2 in our class, so it is unbelievable that they don't have their licences. I got 93 points, being just below Momo. The things I need to work on is the fact how I stood out to the villains with that risky move in the air. In the end, I did good.

I sat next to Sero as we headed back to U.A, both of us being tired out. "Kayama, that move of yours in the air was super cool you know." Sero slung his arm around my shoulders. I looked at him, "You think so?" He nodded, "Yeah. The only thing that creeped me out was the fact you had a fuck ton of blood dripping down your face." I chucked, "That's the side effects to this amazing quirk I guess."

My phone started ringing as messages flooded through to me, strange. I pulled my phone out, reading them.


19:54 🔋67%

L/n. We need you.

Mr Compress
Come on, Himiko has
just completed her
second mission with

Yeah! It was so

I'll come to the base
later. Bye


Great. I know for a fact they're going to make me go on a mission now that Toga has gone on one. Basically all of us got split up. Crimson was easily able to blend into normal people, seeing as shes quirkless. I don't know about the rest, but I bet they're doing alright.

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