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"So, how's life with you and Monoma?" Lika smirked at me. I shoved some rice in my mouth, "Not much, me and him haven't talked since you introduced me to him." She made a 'mhm' noise while slurping on some soba. "How do you even like soba cold, I just don't get it." She mumbled. I shrugged, "It just tastes good to me since my ma made it for me whenever I felt sad." "Y/n, I was just wondering, why do you not look like Midnight?" She pointed out. I sighed, "I knew someone would question it at some point. Well, to be fully honest, I got adopted by her when I turned 9. Only reason I did was because my parents died for an unknown reason." "Omg, I am so sorry girl! I shouldn't have asked!" She ran to my side of the table, pulling me in for a hug.

Just then, a massive alarm alarm shrieked through the building. "WARNING. LEVEL 3 SECURITY BREACH. ALL STUDENTS, PLEASE EVACUATE THE BUILDING IN AN ORDERLY FASHION." I heard a voice say from the speakers. Everyone started running out into the halls, idiots. "Come on! We need to go!" Lika grabbed my hand, running into the hall. Just like I thought, crowded as fuck. Everyone was pushing each other around, trying to get to the exit. Me and Lika were bound to loose each other if it wasn't for our hands being connected. I saw Iida pressed up against the window, being obviously stuck. I let go of Lika's hand, heading towards Tenya. "Tenya! Why aren't you moving!" I stood behind him. His head still on the glass, "It isn't a big warning! Just some reporters wanting to get information on All Might!" I saw Uraraka, getting pushed around. "Uraraka! Make me float!" Tenya shouted to her. She nodded, putting her hand out to meet hers. Just then, he started floating. Wow, fuck knows what he thinks hes doing. He used his quirk while in the air, racing towards the exit. "What are you fucking doing Iida!" I shouted, catching his glasses that fell down.

He landed on top of the exit sign, "Listen up! Everything is okay! It's just the media outside, there's absolutely nothing to worry about! Everything's fine! We're U.A students, we need to remain calm and prove we're the best of the best!" Everyone started to talk again, now not even moving around. I caught back up with Lika who was just stood in shock. "Girl! Why did you leave me!" She pulled me in for a tight hug. I hugged back, "My grip on you loosened! I couldn't see where you were girl!"


"Time class rep, let's begin." Momo looked at Izuku who was obviously scared as shits. Izuku started talking about how someone else should be class rep. Someone like Iida. He stood up, "I will do duties as class rep to the best of my abilities!" "Sounds good emergency exit." Kirishima put his thumb up. Kaminari joined in, "Emergency exit Iida. Don't let us down man!"


"Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors: Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you." Aizawa looked at all of us. Sero's hand shot up, "Sir, what type of training is this?" "Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that." He held up a card staying just the word, 'rescue' in bold letters. Everyone started talking about it. My only thoughts were, what would my mother and father do in this situation? "Guys, I'm not finished yet. What you wear in this exercise is up to you, I know your excited about costumes. But keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities. This training is at an off campus facility so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all, start getting ready." Aizawa spoke up, walking out the classroom.

I headed outside, wearing my hero costume with a minor change. My gloves weren't on, just so I could send more water out. Hopefully nobody even notices, seeing as it wasn't even that important. Just then, a whistle went. Iida was stood there, "Gather round Class 1A! Using your student numbers, form two neat lines so we can board the bus efficiently!"

We started heading on the bus, looking on where to sit. I found a completely empty spot near the back, amazing. I sat down in the window seat, looking outside. I felt someone plop down in the seat next to me, strange. I turned to see the one and only, Shoto fucking Todoroki. "I hope you do not mind me sitting here, there seems to be no more clear spaces." He looked at me. I smiled, "I don't mind at all!" He nodded, going off into his little mind world. I put my head back, trying to go to sleep. I barely got any last night because I was thinking of why Todoroki did that for me. I felt my eyes grow heavy, as I started to fall asleep.

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