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"Y/N YOUR FUCKING TEST RESULTS ARE HERE SO GET YOUR ASS DOWNSTAIRS AND OPEN IT UP!" I heard my mother shout. Finally, after a month of waiting, it's here. I ran downstairs, seeing the letter in my mothers hands. I grabbed it, opening it straight away. It was a small round disk. Strange. I held it in my hands for a few moments before a screen popped up in front of me. It was All Might. Mint! He started talking about how he is the newest U.A faculty member, then about how long it's been. Then finally, he got to the point I wanted to hear. "You passed the written test, and got 77 combat points on the practical exam, congrats kid, you have gotten into U.A!" I practically jumped for joy at those words. "I GOT FUCKING IN MOM!" I turned to her, smashing her into a hug. She was shocked for a second before picking me up and hugging me tightly.

This has to be the best day of my life.


It was finally my first day of U.A, my whole life training up to this point. "Do you have everything you need honey?" My mom stood next to me ask I was quickly brushing my hair. I turned to her, "Yep! All ready to go!" "Okay, remember that I'm taking you to school and picking you up today." She sighed. I nodded, grabbing my bag. We started heading out to the black car that was waiting for us.

"So, mom, do you know what classroom I'm in?" I turned to her. "Oh yes! I forgot to tell you, you're in class 1A!" She laughed. I smiled, at least shes trying to keep up a joking attitude. Finally, we arrived at the school. "Good luck at your first day of this fine school miss." The driver unlocked the door. I headed out the car, waving as it drove away. Wow, my first proper day of school. Even though I got in through a few recommendations, I did it with everything I've been training for.

I was walking through the halls, looking for class 1A. Class 1C, Class 1B, Class 1A! Finally, I'm here. I headed inside, seeing barely anyone there. A pink girl ran up to me, "OMG. THE KAYAMA DAUGHTER IS HERE! I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD BE ABLE TO MEET YOU!" "Well, here I am so I guess you did." I put my hand behind my neck. I should've knew this was going to happen. She smiled at me, "I'm Mina Ashido! I hope to become good friends with you!" "You already know my name, and I would love to be friends with you Mina!" I smiled back. "Seeing as I only have 2 friends, another one would be nice." I mumbled, hoping she wouldn't hear. Her eyes widened, "HOW DOES THE Y/n KAYAMA ONLY HAVE 2 FRIENDS!" I sighed, "Most people do want to be friends with me, but thats only for popularity as such. I admire people just seeing me as a normal person, seeing as that is just what I am after all."

She made an 'Oh' sound before dragging me towards some boys in a corner, "Kirishima, Kaminari, This is Y/n Kayama!" I waved at them as they smiled. "I'm Ejiro Kirishima." The red head put his fists together. "And I'm Denki Kaminari! Nice to meet you gorgeous." The yellow haired boy smiled. I thought for a second before saying something, "It's nice to meet you too. By any chance, have any of you seen someone called Lika Siape?" They shook their heads, no. "Shit." I muttered. Mina looked at me, "Did something happen to her?" "No, no it's just that she's my first ever friend and I was hoping we might've been in the same classroom." I looked down. Kirishima put his hand on my shoulder, "It's alright man! We're your friends now, and you'll see her around school!" I smiled at him, "Thanks guys."

"So, what are your guys quirks. I'll go first, I can produce acid out of my body!" Mina smiled brightly at us. "I can make any part of my body hard." Kirishima put his fists together, making them go like hard skin. Kaminari smirked, "Electricity for me. What about you Kayama?" "It's nothing special. I can control the ocean and the animals within it." I blushed, looking down. Their quirks seem so cool, I wish I had their's instead of this piece of shit. "That is super cool! Can you make something appear right now?" Mina jumped up and down. I nodded, moving to the front of the room.

I closed my eyes, imagining a baby dolphin appearing. As I opened my eyes, I was it in front of me. Smiling, I slid my hand across it's silking skin. As I did that, It started making little happy noises while circling around me. "You like it?" I turned towards the 3 who were just stood there in shock. "ITS SO CUTEEE!" Mina ran up to us, stroking the creature. The boys followed along, watching as the dolphin circled them too.

"It is the most honor to see someone from the same school arriving here, Miss Kayama." I heard someone say as they walked in the classroom. Shit, Tenya Iida. I just looked at him, "I guess." then went back to talking with Mina and such. Iida then went over to a lad, "Take your feet off of that desk now!" "Hah." The boy said, smirking. "It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property." Tenya began to lecture the boy. "You're kidding me right? Your old school stick up your ass? Or were you born with it." The boy laughed. This lad is interesting, I hope I can become mates with him. "I-I, let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida from the Soumei private academy." Iida held his hand out. "Soumei huh? So you must think your better than me. I'm going to have fun tearing you, new one." "H-Huh! You would threaten me! Your own classmate! Are you sure you're in the right place." "Huh." The 2 went back and forth with arguing, great.

All of a sudden, they both looked over to the door. "It's him." Iida looked at the door. I was confused, turning to look at this. I couldn't believe it, Izuku was there! "U-Uh Hi." He stuttered. "Good Morning! My name is Tenya Iida." "I-I know. I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's super nice to meet you." Izuku turned red. I smiled, heading towards him. "Midoriya. You realised there was something more to the practical exam didn't you?" Iida seemed serious. "Yeah, I was wondering how you are here." I stood next to Iida. "You must be very perspective. I completely misjudged you. I admit, as a student, you are far superior to me." Tenya looked down. "U-Uh I find that hard to believe." Midoriya just stood there. "No, hes right you know Izuku. When I fist met you with that burnt book, I thought you might've just had an ordinary quirk but it seems I was also incorrect." I smiled. "O-Oh, hi Y/n. It's nice to see you again. Where is Lika?" Izuku smiled back. I looked down, "It seems like we are in a different class from her which is a shame. It's nice to see you too." He just looked down, it is a shame that them both have only met once.

"Hey, I recognise that messed up hair! Falling boy!" A girl appeared behind him. It was the girl that Izuku was talking to before the exam! "That punch was amazing!" She began swinging her arms around. "O-Oh, h-hey, h-hi. So, I should probably thank you for going in and talking to him" He turned red. I just smirked, looks like Midoriya has a little crush already. She started mumbling on while Izuku was covering his face. I started heading to find a seat, seeing one in front of a boy with white and red hair. I sat down, throwing my bag under the desk. While waiting for the lesson to finally start, I created 2 jelly fish just to admire. I began stroking one, feeling the skin moving at my touch. The other one circled around me, then landing on top of my head. Jelly fish are calm creatures when you are gentle with them, the same with sharks.

"Woah, are they real jelly fish?" A girl from behind me asked.. The jelly fish that I was stoking sat on my hand as I turned around to see her, "Yep! Do you want to stroke one?" "If I can then yes please!" I nodded, heading the one in my hand towards her. "How do they live outside of water if they are meant to live in it?" She turned her head to the side. I smiled, "With my quirk also being water, when I create them and they are on me or near me, they can survive. It is how the one you are touching is still alive now, since it is close enough to me, it is surviving." She nodded, smiling back at me. "Well, I'm Momo Yayorozu, but you can just call me Momo." "I'm Y/n Kayama, and it is the greatest of pleasure meeting you Momo." I looked at her, seeing her still playing with the Jelly fish.

Just then, I started coughing a lot. "Oh god, are you alright Kayama?" Momo looked at me, worried. I nodded, "Just a side effect I get if I use too much of my quirk for too long. All it does is fill up my lungs with water, nothing too bad." "That seems horrible! Here, it might be best you make them disappear before it gets worse." She pushed the Jelly fish towards me, making them disappear.

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