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"What! A quirk assessment test!" We all looked shocked. "But orientation, we're going to miss it!" Uraraka spoke up. Aizawa stayed turned around, "If you really want to make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies. Here at U.A, we aren't tethered to conditions. That means I get to run my class however I see fit. You've been taking standardised test most your lives, but you never got to use your quirks in physical exams before. The countries still trying to pretend we're all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day, the ministry of education will learn."

He then turned to Bakugo, "Bakugo, you managed to get the most points on the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance throw at the soft ball in junior high." "67 meters I think." "Right. Try doing it with your quirk." Aizawa then let Bakugo into a circle, "Anything goes just stay in the circle. Go on, you're wasting your time." "Alright man, you asked for it." Bakugo did a few stretches. Right before he was about to throw, he looked at me with a smirk. Who the hell did this guy think he was? The ball flew into the air, an explosion throwing it further. "All of you need to know your maximum capabilities. It's the most rational way of figuring out your capabilities as a hero." He held up some sort of throwing device, 705.2 meters.

"Woah 705 meters, are you kidding me?"

"I wanna go! That looks like fun!"

"This is what I'm talking about! Using out quirks as much as we want!"

"So this looks fun huh. You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's all going to be games and play time? Idiots. Today you'll engage in 8 physical test to gain your potential. Whoever comes in last has none, and will be expelled immediately." He smirked, now this is what I'm talking about! Threatening us with expulsion with surely make us try our best. "Like I said, I get to decide how this class runs. Understand." He lifted up his hair, revealing his eyes, "If that's a problem, you can head home right now."

"You can't send one of us home! I mean, we just got here! Even if it wasn't the first day, that isn't fair!" Ochako spoke up. I crossed my arms, "The girl has a point sir. It isn't and won't be fair at all." "Oh, and you think natural disasters are? Power hungry villains, hm? Catastrophic accidents that wipe out whole cities, no. The world is full of unfairness. It is a heroes job to try to come back that unfairness. If you wanna be a pro, your gonna have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years, U.A will throw one hardship after another at you. So go beyond. Plus ultra style. Show me it's no mistake that you're here." Aizawa snapped back. Who knew he was that quick with thinking, but at the same time, heroes have to be. He sighed, "Now then, we're just wasting time by talking. Let the games begin."

Everyone was doing a running thing now. Iida and Tsuyu first, then Uraraka and Ojiro, then Mina and Ayoama. I actually hate Ayoama though, he is so self confident it's annoying. Izuku and Bakugo went next, Bakugo getting 4.13 seconds while Izuku got 7.02 seconds.

Then it was the hand test, then the jumping test, then the throwing test. Uraraka got infinite from that one, which was actually surprising.

After her, it was my turn. Shit, I just need to find a way to get it to go far. I can't use sea animals since if I put the ball on them, it will fall off straight away. But if I use water it might go too far. "Y/n. You have to do it now or you fail." Aizawa said from behind me. I nodded, getting ready for what I was going to do. All I could do was a wave of water, might not be the smartest idea but it's the only one I got. I threw the ball up in the air, making a wave to catch it and pushing the wave as far away as possible. I knew that once it was far enough, I would start coughing. 5 minutes went by and I finally made the wave disappear, dropping the ball. I started controlling my breathing, waiting for the length of meters to pop up. 841 meters was what I got, impressive.

It was then Midoriya's turn, and it wouldn't go well. After what happened at the exam, he can't even control his quirk. As he threw it, something didn't match up. his arm was glowing for a second, then went back to normal. 46 meters was all he got. "H-huh, what happened I was trying to use it just now." he mumbled. If he was trying to use it, then something isn't matching up here. "I erased your quirk. The judges for this exam, were not rational enough. Someone like you should never be able to enroll at this school." Aizawa stood there, scarf flying everywhere and hair sticking up. Oh shit, it was Eraserhead. Izuku started talking about how he can erase anyone's quirk just by looking at them. This 'Eraserhead' dude was a complete dick, Izuku was just about to rationalise his quirk and Aizawa cancelled it.

Izuku tried again, in the exact same way he did before. Hes going to break his whole body again isn't he. But my theories were wrong, he did it. It threw into the air, actually shocking me for once. He seemed to have no broken bones from the looks of it. But I looked closer, his finger was broken. He must've channeled all his power just into that source, smart. 705.3 meters, one more than Bakugo.

I must say, this dude is really cool, and I'm glad to be friends with him.


I was walking around the cafeteria, looking for Lika. In one hand was my soba, and in the other was my bag. Just when I was about to give up, I saw her waving for me. She was sat around a group, must be new friends. I headed towards her, stopping in front of the table, "Hey Lika." "Hey Y/n! Sit down with us!" She basically shouted, getting some people's attention. I sat down across from her, still smiling. "So, what class are you in?" She took a big slurp out of her ramen. I sighed, "Class 1A, and it is pure hell." She laughed, "I'm right next door to you girl, us all here are in Class 1B!" A girl with orange hairs head shot up next to me, sending me a little smile. The only people on the table were Lika, me, a blonde boy, and that orange girl.

"I totally forgot to introduce myself, I'm Kendo Itsuka!" She held out my hand for me to shake, which I did. "And I'm Neito Monoma, but you can just call me your future boyfriend princess." He took my hand, kissing it while looking into my eyes. My cheeks went red, causing me to turn away as he let go of my hand. As I turned my head to the side, I saw Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Bakugo all looking at the introduction I just had. I turned back to Neito and Kendo, "I'm Y/n Kayama, nice to meet you both. And I look forward to being your future girlfriend Monoma." I winked at him, now it was his time to turn red.

"Ooo, looks like Y/n already has a soon to be boyfriend." Lika teased. I smacked her shoulder, "Me and him have known eachother for 5 seconds and you're already shipping us!" "But you like it don't you love." He looked into my eyes. Goddamn, I pull bitches. Kendo smacked his head, causing me to laugh. I looked back at Mina, seeing her signalling for me to come over to her. "Hey guys, I'll be back in a second, make sure nobody takes my food or bag." I smiled, earning a nod from all of them.

I stopped in front of the table, "You called me over?" "Yeah girl, what's going on between you and that lad." Mina looked confused. I sighed, "He's just some lad flirting with me, nothing unusual. "You sure? Cause he literally kissed your hand." Sero spoke up. "I swear, nothing is going on between me and that Class 1B boy."

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