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I looked in my bedroom mirror, seeing my reflection. I put my hands along my stomach, all this working out must've made me loose weight. Its been nearly 8 months since my fight with Endeavor, and I have been working out extra since. Death Arms has been coming over a lot more, helping my with my exercise. Kamui has been helping with my quirk improvements, along with Hawks too. My mother has been helping keeping my body on a healthy diet, all of this is making me better. I have to beat the other contestants to get into U.A with this body now, right?

I got cut by my thoughts as my mother opened the front door, "Y/n! I got you a little something!" My ears perked up as I put on a white baggy shirt and some black shorts. I ran downstairs, seeing my mother holding 2 bags. Just then, she pulled something out of one of them. She held it in her hands for me to see, "I know you've wanted these clothes for a long time so since you have been training so much, I got you them!"

It was a black sports bra and tank top, along with some black shorts and some trainers. I smiled at her, "Thanks mom! These are going to help me a lot more during training!" She gave it to me, obviously being glad I liked them. Although they may seem boring, they actually help a lot. With these clothes, they expose my skin a lot more, making it easier to shoot more water out of. Recently, I have just been wearing white sports bras and some black baggy pants, making it a bit more harder to shoot water out.


It was finally the day of the exam, and I was walking up to the school. I was pretty much right near it when I was Midoriya and a girl talking, making me smile. At least I'm not the only one that I know here. I walked up to them, still smiling. The girl walked off as Deku was stood there, completely shocked. I put my hand on his shoulder, "Hey Midoriya! Didn't know you were coming to the exam?" "O-Oh hey Miss Kayama! It's nice to see you again!" He bowed down to me, his face being completely red. I laughed, "You don't need to call me Miss Kayama, just call me Y/n! We're friends, right?" He looked up at me, nodding over and over again. "Well, you can just call me Izuku then Y/n." He smiled.

We began walking into the school, ignoring everyone that was trying to talk with me. It was nice to know that I had another friend. Speaking of friends, I wonder where Lika is? She is usually on time for everything so it's strange her not being here.

Just then, I felt someone jumping on my back. "Y/n! You could've waited for meeee!" I heard Lika say while jumping off. "I know, I know, I'm sorry. I was just catching up with an old friend." I turned to Izuku, who was just standing there, blushing. Lika looked at him, "And who are you? I'll go first, I'm Siape Lika, best friend of this bitch right here." "I-I'm Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you Siape." He held his hand out. Lika took it, "No need to call me Siape, if your a friend of Y/n, your a friend of me so just call me Lika!" She smiled at him. He smiled back, "W-Well, I'm glad to know we're friends Lika."

We began walking into the school, no interruptions anymore. Izuku and Lika were having a conversation about how their High schools were while I was just admiring the school. Although I've been here a few times with mom, I'm still amazed at how big it is.


We were sat down in the massive hall, around 1,000 people being there. Me and Lika were sat together as Lika didn't wanna be alone, which I totally get. Unfortunately, we had no more room next to us for Izuku, so we split up. After a few minutes of silence, the screen finally turned on. "What's up U.A candidates! Thanks for tuning into me, your school Dj! Come on and let me here ya!" A man at the front of the stage yelled. Everyone just stayed silent, not wanting to say anything or even move. "Thats fine lets just get to the main show. Lets talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down, okay? Are you ready!" Again, everyone was quiet.

He just stayed confident, "Like you application said, today you rocking boys and girls will be conducting ten minute mock battles in super suburban settings! After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle centers. Okayyyyy!" Everyone began looking at their sheets of paper, seeing where they have to go.

"Okay, Okay, let's check out your targets! There are three types of pro villains in every battle centre. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty so better choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your quirk to rase your score by shredding these villains like a mid song guitar solo! But check it! Make sure you're keeping things heroic, attacking other examinees is a U.A no no you dig?" The dude was actually starting to get to the good parts when he got cut off.

Tenya stood up, "Excuse me sir but I have a question. On the print out, you've listed 4 types of villains, not 3. With all respect, if this is an error on official U.A materials, it is shameful. We are exemplary students. We expect the best fro Japans most notable school. A mistake such as this won't do." He then turned around to point at Izuku, "Additionally, you with the uncrimped hair. You've been muttering this entire time. Stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously, leave. You're distracting the rest of us." Everyone began laughing at him, poor boy. It's just a problem he has when he is too concentrated with stuff, that's all.

"Alright, Alright examinee 7111, thanks for calling in with your request. The fourth villain type is worth 0 points, that guy is just an obstacle we will be throwing in your way. There is one in every battle centre, think of it as a hurdle you should avoid. It's not that it can't be beaten, its just there's kind of no point. I recommend you listeners try to ignore it and aim for the ones top of the chart! That's all I've got for you today. I'll send you off with a little present." Present mic just went ranting on after that, making me just ignore him. I took my bottle of water out, drinking it all so that I can use my quirk.

Me, Lika and Izuku all got the same battle field luckily. We were all stood in different clothing. Deku was wearing a cyan track suit while Lika was wearing a black one. I was just wearing the clothes mom bought me, just to help me out a bit with my quirk. I turned to Lika, "Good luck girl, I bet you are going to do so good." "You too!" She smiled, making me do the same. This was bound to be hard. If I'm correct though, with there being robots and my quirk being basically pure water, I can just fry their systems to break them.


The doors finally opened up, letting us inside. Me and Lika held hands to make sure we don't loose each other, running inside. After a few moments, we let go. Seems like we're on our own now. I ran around a corner, making sure no one was there. I watched as a 2 pointer broke through a building, heading straight for me. I made a massive wave, pushing it towards the robot. It soon short circuited, letting me get straight past it.

In just a matter of 5 minutes, I had 67 points. Destroying these bitches was easy. Stay in a large area, stall a little, watch as one comes out, destroy it with water, gain points. Super easy process. Just as I thought that, I saw a 3 pointer come out of nowhere. Straight away, I made a wave, heading it towards the beast. Then a 1 pointer, then a 2 pointer, 1 pointer again, 3 pointer, and the cycle repeats itself. I then got boosted up to 77 points. That has to ne the highest, right?

Just then, when I thought nothing could go wrong, it did. A massive 0 pointer came out, punching the ground. Shit, no wave could destroy that thing, its too big! I watched Izuku as he stood there, then ran towards the thing. Stupid boy, what is he thinking! He jumped up, his sleeve ripping off one of his arms. Just them, he punched the beast in the face. Way to go Midoriya!

He then began falling, shit shit shit! His arm and legs were moving around, must be broken. That must've been a lot of power for just one kid to handle. I ran up to where he was gonna fall, hoping to stop it. Knowing my power, it would surely make him drown. Fuck! My fucking friend is about to most likely die and I can't even save him. Just as he was about to hit the ground, the girl from earlier slapped him. He began floating in the air, must be a gravity quirk of some sort. He started crawling towards the girl when the alarm went off, signifying the round was over. Just then, he passed out.



"Wow, I wish I was you Y/n." You put your hand next to the poster of Y/n and Midnight, smiling at the camera. Just then, the door opened. "Your so obsessed with this Kayama girl, I really do not understand what you see in her." Shoto stood in the doorway. I turned around, "She is amazing thats why! It's so confusing how this gorgeous girl hasn't seen by barely anyone for months!" "Whatever, I still dont get why you like her." Your brother walked away, leaving the door wide open. "Close the door!" You yelled.

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