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I saw Todoroki, sitting all by himself. I grabbed my cold soba, heading over and sitting in front of him. "Hey, are you alright? You've been sat alone quite a lot lately." I shoved some soba into my mouth. He nodded, "I would rather eat alone." My eyes widened, "Do you want me to go then?" He shook his head, no. I ate some more of my food, nearly finishing it. "So, are you excited about the sports festival?" I looked at him. He nodded, "It'll be an experience."


A ton of people were outside our classroom, watching us. "Why the heck are you all here!" Uraraka stood next to me. I crossed my arms, "Just leave us alone!" "Do you students have some sort of business with our class?" Iida was next to Izuku. Mineta ran forward, "Why are you holding up our doorway? We won't let you hold us hostage!"

"They're scouting out the competition idiots. We're the class that survived a real villain attack. They wanna see us with their own eyes. At least now you know what a future pro looks like. Now move it extras." Bakugo stood at the doorway.

A purple guy stepped forward, "So this is Class 1A, I heard you guys were impressive. But you just sound like an ass. Is everyone in the hero course delusional or just you? It's sad to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs. I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here, I was forced to choose a different track, such as life. I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance. If any of us do well in the sports festival the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course. And they'll have to transfer people out to make room. Scouting the competition, maybe some of my peers are, but I'm here to let you know that if you don't bring your very best up, I'll steal your spot from right under you. Consider this a declaration of war."

"Hey, you! I'm from Class 1B right next to you! We heard you fought some villains and I came to see if that was true! But your just a bunch of brats that think you're better than us! Talk all you want, it'll just be more embarrassing when you're K.O. Don't you ignore me!" Tetsutetsu came out of nowhere. "Calm down Tetsu." I mumbled to him. Bakugo just started walking out. "Dude, where are you going? You gotta say something! It's your fault they're all hating on us Bakugo!" Kirishima shouted to him.

"These people don't matter." Katsuki looked at us. Me and Kiri looked at each other, "Huh?" "The only thing that is important is that I beat them." Bakugo walked off. "Hey! I'm coming for you!" Tetsu jumped up. "I hate how that was such a manly exit." Kirishima looked on the verge of tears. "He said it." Sato put his hand on his chin. "He's not wrong. We do have to beat them." Tokoyami pointed out. "Sure, but this sucks! He made us everyone's enemy!" Kaminari shouted.

I out my hand on his shoulder, "It's the truth Kami. If we don't win, we'll get kicked out of this class. And, it's not everyone." He sighed, "If you say so." "How the hell did you calm him down so quickly man!" Ejiro looked shocked. I shrugged my shoulders, "I dunno, just did I guess."


We had 1 week till the sports festival, and I was training a lot. I finally finished my lessons with Jumi, but got her number in case anything wrong happens with it in the future. I have been training on animals, mainly rats or mice, to make sure I can keep control of it. The only downside off it all is that at any point in time even while not using it, my eyes can randomly start bleeding. It doesn't even cause any harm to me, only makes my eyes a bit red.

"Y/n, look." Asui showed me a fish she had caught. Right now, we were in the school's pool to train with my quirk still being water related and hers being a frog type. I smiled, "That's great." I waited for her to get out before I could use my quirk. I made a few water droplets in my hands, before turning them into water shards. A shark appeared as my command, being completely stuck still from me using blood manipulation. I sent the shards it's way, seeing them doing little damage to the creature. Only thing that did affect it was some little cuts, but not deep enough to leave a scar. I made the thing disappear with the click of my finger, this is so useless.

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