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(Play the song when '$$$' appears)

Me and Bakugo were up against each other now, great. I sat on some water in the air, meditating. "Come on! Fight me water freak!" He shouted at me. I smirked, "Okay, you asked for it." I closed my eyes, making a blue whale appear. "Heh, is this what you are expecting to kill me!" He exploded up into the air, throwing an attack at the whale. It shrieked in pain, slamming it's tail towards Bakugo. Bakugo got knocked to the ground, but got back up to land an attack on the whale. I made it disappear before he could, landing on the ground.

"Oh, now you've fucking done it you self entitled brat." I growled. I sent a wave of steaming hot water towards him, to which he blocked. He came behind me, throwing an attack at my back. I turned around, meeting his ruby eyes. I can either fight and get my ass kicked, or I can give up. Eh, my parents would want me to fight. I threw a ball of steaming blood at him, which made contact. Yeah, figured out I could do that just 2 days ago. Pretty cool ain't it?

He jumped towards me, grabbing my arm and flinging me onto the ground. Shit, I can't let this end here. I make a koi fish appear. "EH? WHAT IS THIS LITTLE THING SUPPOSED TO DO TO ME?" He tapped it. I tried my best to smirk as I crawled back, "It's supposed to do this." I made the koi fish the size of a shark. It raced towards Bakugo who was sending explosions it's way. My whole shirt was blown off at this point, leaving me in my black sports bra.

I made a wave of boiling hot blood, sending it in Bakugo's direction. He jumped on top of it, jumping towards me. Shit, I'm fucking done for. He sent an explosion directly to my face then to my back, making me fall onto the floor. "Bastard." I muttered, trying to get up. I felt Bakugo's hand on my back, heating it up with another explosion. I put my head on the floor, "I give up." "Kayama gives up! Bakugo's the winner of this match!" I looked at my mother. I got up onto my water platform, sitting down. "Good game." I whispered, heading out of the stadium. Some red garra were around me, biting my skin and drawing blood.

I jumped off my platform as I changed into another shirt as I headed back to my seat. "Girl. How the fuck did you do that! First it was manipulating Tokoyami's movements, then a fucking wave of blood?" Mina looked shocked. I smiled, "Guess I'm good at hiding things then." "Or you're just good at copying people. Tch, I knew I shouldn't have even bothered with you." Lika popped her head over the side. I turned to her, "What do you mean?" "Oh, now you're pulling the dumb girl act. You just wanted to prove that you could win a match with the exact same ability as me." She scoffed, jumping back over to the other side.


Bakugo got first place, Todoroki in second, and I in third. Only thing that was funny about this though, was that Bakugo was in chains. "Tenya Iida actually shares the third place award with Kayama, but unfortunately he had to leave for family reasons." My mother looked at me, then back at the camera crew. Lika is right, I shouldn't have used blood to get through this.

All Might walked up to me, "Young Kayama, congratulations. You showed great strength out there." "Thank you sir." I felt him put the medal around my neck. He pulled me in for a hug, "However, you have more training to do if you're going against different types of villains. You're not going to be able to rely on your quirk in every battle you face." He then walked towards Todoroki, giving him his medal. Wow, even All Might says I can do it.

Maybe I can succeed. Maybe I can make mama proud.


"Nice work. You have the next two days of school off to recuperate. I'm sure the pros who watched the festival will want to recruit some of you. We'll look over the draft forms and update you once you return. Get some rest, you still have a lot of training." Aizawa sounded tired. "Yes sir." We all spoke at the exact same time.

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