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My mother took her mask off, "Now, let's take a look at the results shall we?" Izuku was in 1st, Me in 2nd, Todoroki in 3rd, Bakugo in 4th, Ibara Shiozaki in 5th, Juzo Honenuki in 6th, Iida in 7th, Tokoyami in 8th, Sero in 9th, Kirishima in 10th, Tetsutetsu in 11th, Ojiro in 12th, Yosetsu Awase in 13th, Tsuyu in 14th, Shoji in 15th, Sato in 16th, Uraraka in 17th, Momo in 18th, Mineta in 19th, Mina in 20th, Koda in 21st, Jiro in 22nd. Wow, that is a lot of people. There was a lot more to name, but there was like 100. I saw Monoma in 37th and Lika in 38th place, making me smile.

"Only the top 43 will progress to the next round. But don't be too let down if you did not make the cut, we've prepared other opportunities for you to shine. Now the real funs about to begin. The chance to fully move yourselves into the land light! Give it your best! Let's see what we have in store for you next!" Midnight licked her lips. I know shes my mother, but damn she needs to stop flirting with the first years.

Shit, it was a Cavalry battle. She turned to the board, "Allow me to explain. The participants will form teams of 2 - 4 people as they see fit. In theory, it's basically the same as a regular playground game. But there is one difference, each player has been given a point count based on their score in the obstacle course." Izuku had 10 million points, wow. I only had 205, should still be enough to get me through this.

Lika jumped in front of me, "Hey girl! Wanna be on a team with me?" I nodded, "Where wil we find 2 other people though?" "Look at those two boys over there, we could try them?" She pointed to a pink haired boy, then a blue haired one. We started heading over to them. I tapped the blue ones shoulder, "Hey, do you guys wanna be on our team?" "Yes please! We literally can't find anyone!" They smiled at me. Lika put her finger to her cheek, "So, what's you guys names and quirk?" "Oh, I'm Lio Isuyi and I have element manipulation." The pink haired one put his hands on his waist. The purple haired sighed, "I'm Kuyi Gratre, I have shapeshifting." "Nice to meet you both. I'm Lika Siape and I have blood manipulation." Lika smiled at the two. I looked at them, "I'm Y/n Kayama, water control and some sort of sea creature manipulation."

The time was up for making teams, great. I was on top since I had the most points, Lika and Kuyi were holding me up at the back while Lio was at the front. "Hey guys, don't get alarmed from what I'm about to do." I put my hand on the back of my neck. I made a water platform for us, making us slightly more higher than most players. I smiled, "I made this so that we're higher. And, whenever you guys move, the platform follows along." "Woah! That is so smart and cool man!" Lio looked up at me. I put our point headband on, 725.

Everyone was going for Midoriya, idiots. "So, what's our plan Kayama?" Kuyi mumbled. I looked around, "Seeing as everyone is going for Midoriya, we will just go and collect other headbands. It'll be much easier to do this." "I'm glad I teamed up with you girl!" Lika smiled up at me.

I saw Monoma, holding a headband in his hand. "Guys, we will go for Monoma. Get that band out of his hand." I whispered. They nodded, heading towards him. As we passed right by him, I swooped down, grabbing the headband. "Hey!" He shouted at us. I looked back, "Sorry mr, 'gonna be my future boyfriend'!" He scoffed, looking away from me.

The board then flashed up how any points each team had to far. HOW THE HELL DID MONOMA HAVE 1360 POINTS?!?! We were only in 5th place with 645 points, Todoroki being right under us with 615 points.


Todoroki's team got first, Bakugo's got second, Shinso's got third, my team in fourth, and Midoriya's in fifth. I sat down on the ground, steadying my breathing while a great white shark was circling me. Steam was boiling off my skin, making me clench my fist. I lost mama. I fucking lost. "I think she's a bit mad." Lika pointed at the steam. Lio put his hand on my shoulder, "Come on man! We at least got in the top 5!" I stared at him, my eyes filled with rage. "Top 5 isn't alright. I promised first place to mama. I failed mama. I failed her." I mummled.

I held my anger in, walking up to Monoma. I put my hand on his shoulder, "You did so good man." "You did way better Y/n. You even got in fourth place!" He smiled at me.


"You brought me here. Now what? We should probably eat soon, the cafeteria is gonna be busy. Don't you think?" Midoriya questioned. I looked at him for a few moments, "I was overwhelmed, and it made me break the promise I made to myself a long time ago. Iida and Kaminari, Yayorozu and Tokoyami, Uraraka, none of them felt it. In that moment, I was the only one that could sense your true power. It reminded me of something, experiencing All Might's quirk." "O-Oh yeah, okay. Is that all?" He mumbled.

I looked at my palm, "I'm saying, the power coming from you felt the same as All Might's. Midoriya, tell me. Are you really All Might's secret love child or something? Well, are you?" "No, no! No way, that's not it at all! But I guess even if I was, I would totally say I wasn't so you probably wouldn't believe me. Anyway, I promise, you got the wrong idea. And, why would you even think that about me?" Midoriya scrambled around.

I sighed, "That's not it at all as interesting wording. It suggests that there is something between you two that you're not supposed to talk about. My father is the hero, Endeavor. You must've heard of him, which means you're aware he is the number two hero. So if you're connected to the number one hero, All Might in some way. That would mean, that I have even more reason to beat you. My old man is ambitious, he aims for the top. He used his power to make a name of himself as a hero. But he was never able to best All Might, so the symbol of peace is living proof of his failure. He's still at it though, trying to take down All Might. One way or another." "I-I'm not sure what you're getting at. What are you trying to tell me, Todoroki?" He stuttered.

I looked at him, "Have you ever heard of, quirk marriages? They became a problem in the first few generations after superpowers became wide spread. There who sought out potential mates, solely with the intention of creating powerful children. Many people were forced into relationships. They were simply viewed as old fashioned arranged marriages. But clearly, it was unethical. My father not only has a rich list of accomplishments, but plenty of money to throw at his problems. He bought my mothers relatives to get a hold on her quirk, and now hes using me to surpass All Might. It's so annoying. I refuse to be a tool for that scumbag. In every memory of my mother, I only see her crying. I remember she called my left side unbearable, before she poured boiling water on my face. The reason I picked a fight with you was to show my old man what I was capable of doing, without having to rely on his damn fire quirk. You see, I'm going to show him that I reject his power. And I can take first place without using it."

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