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I charged towards the clone of Ectoplasm, making a shark go straight towards him. He dodged it immediately, grabbing the tail and throwing it away. "You need to catch your opponent while they are distracted. Make a shark first to distract them then make another one behind them to catch the person." He explained. I nodded, easy enough. I made a shark again, heading it towards him then making another one behind him. The one at the front couldn't get him, but the one behind did. The clone disappeared, and another one appeared.

"I call this, tsunami shock!" I smirked, sending a wave of water mixed with blood streaks towards the clone.

Mineta and Kaminari were talking in front of me, just the normal stuff about girls. "Hey, did you see Blood Lock? She has such big titties, I wish I could just-" Mineta got cut off by me holding him on the wall by his neck. I scoffed, "All though I don't respect her actions, I can't just let you talk about her like shes an object." He squirmed around, trying to pull my hand away from his neck. I let go of him after a few moments, "Don't talk about her like that ever again." He nodded, running back off to Kaminari and hiding behind him.

"Kayama. We need you to go to one of the general studies classes, class C." I heard Aizawa call for me. I turned to him, "I'll go right now!" I headed out of the building, going to the campus. Huh, why would one of their classes need me? I knocked on the door, heading in. All eyes turned to me, great. "Ah, you must be Y/n Kayama from the hero course?" The teacher looked at me. I nodded, "I got told you needed me?" She smiled, "Yes. Could you create a baby shark for us? We need to inspect how it looks and the features it has." I looked around, "Of course. Where should I make it?" "Just make it appear right above my desk, and please make it so it cannot move if possible." I nodded, making it appear right above the desk.

The class began writing down notes as the teacher was going through some slideshows. She then looked at me, "You can come sit down, you know? Just go sit at the back, next to the purple haired boy." I looked to the back, seeing Shinso there. Great, just great. I showed a small but unwanted smile.


"Ughhh, does it have to be this hard." Mina groaned. "Well, it's not call intensive training for nothing." Hagakure pointed out. Momo nodded, "That's true. It's strange to think theres only a week left till the exam." "Momo, how's your ultimate move going?" Hagakure turned to her. Momo put her hand to her cheek, "There's something I wanna do, but my body just isn't ready yet. I need time to develop my quirk and imprive my general endurance." "What about you Tsu?" "I've perfected a move that makes me even more frog like than before. I'm sure even you'd look suprised, Toru." Tsu sipped her strawberry milk. "Y/n?" Toru turned to me. I looked down, "I've made whirlpools and small tsunamis, but that's all."

"What's your story, Ochako?" We all looked at her. Tsu tapped her shoulder, "You seem a little tense." Ochako put her fists up, "No, it's nothing! Everything's going awesome! I'm just getting started! At least, that's how I'd usually be." She sighed, "The thing is, recently my hearts been stirred up about something." "It's love!" Mina shouted. Uraraka went bright red, "What did you say! Love? Cove? Dove?" "Who is it? Midoriya or Iida? You're always hanging out with those two boys!" Mina kept pestering her. Ochako covered her face, floating around the room.


We all stood outside the buses, waiting for our instructions. Our licence exams were finally happening, and we had to bring our costumes along though. Aizawa then spoke up, "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licences, then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. You'll be semi pros. I expect your best." We all began talking, excited about doing this. Kirishima and us were about to scream plus ultra, when someone interrupted us.

Jinsei - S. TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now