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(Play the song when '$$$' appears)

"Y/n, come on! You need to stop being so boring!" Mina groaned. I looked down at the pool, "Meditation is best for me when I'm around large bodies of water." All the lads were just doing stretches, preparing themselves for swimming. Luckily for us, we got access to the schools pool today! "Fine, but you better swim with us later!" Ochako smiled, going back to her stretches.

Just then, Kaminari and Mineta burst into the place, looking disappointed. Iida then picked them up, dragging them both away. I smiled at them, Mineta and Kaminari get along so well from just knowing each other for a few months. Just like me and Lika, I did nothing to her but be kind.

"Y/n! Come play with us!" Hagakure shouted at me, grabbing the ball that got thrown to her. "I would rather if I could just meditate." Water streaks surrounded my floating body, little glowing fish swimming around. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Todoroki looking at me, sparkles forming in his eyes.

"I brought these for everyone, drink up!" I heard Iida say, putting down a cooler full of orange soda cans. I smiled at him, "Thanks class rep!" He looked at me, "It's just my job to care about our classes health!" I walked over to the cooler, grabbing a can for myself then jumping into the water. Everyone looked at me, concerned for why the fuck I just jumped into the pool. After a few moments though, I rose up on top of a small wave, a water bubble surrounding my head. I laughed, "You should see your faces!" "Kayama! You should not do irresponsible acts like that, especially since you could've drowned!" Tenya waved his hands around, making me laugh even more.

"Next time I beat you, I want you to be at your strongest you damn nerd!" Bakugo marched over to Izuku. I sat down at the edge of the pool, watching what was about to go down. Todoroki sat down next to me, "What you did earlier, was really cool." I smiled at him, "Thanks Todo!" He looked at me, "Todo?" "It's just a nickname I decided to give you! Unless you don't like it, sorry!" I began shaking my hands around. He showed a small smile, "I like it, it's nice." "Well, can I call you the other nickname I had in mind too then?" I tilted my head to the side. His eyes met mine, "And what would that be?" I smiled, "Icy! It's not super original but it was my best thought." He nodded, "I would greatly appreciate if you even called me any of them."

"Hey everyone! I propose we see which of the boys can swim the fastest! A friendly race!" Iida shouted. "Y/n! Can you make some platforms for us to sit on too!" Mina smiled at me, the girls behind her. I nodded, making 6 more platforms. They all jumped on them, slouching down. "You won't believe how tiring all of that was." Momo sighed. "Yeah ribbit." Tsu grabbed a fish from the pool, swallowing it.

I looked at her, "You did not actually just eat that." She seemed confused, "Is there something wrong about it?" "THERE IS MULTIPLE THINGS WRONG ABOUT IT TSU! YOU JUST SWALLOWED A FUCKING FISH!" Mina screamed at the top of her lungs, making all the lads look at us. I turned to them, "Just forget you heard that please."

"All right now, everyone on your marks! Get set!" Momo whistled, making the first group of boys go first. They consisted of: Mineta, Tokoyami, Koda, Bakugo and Kaminari. Straight away, Bakugo flew across the water, being first to finish.

"What are you doing!"

"You didn't even touch the water!"

"It's called freestyle swimming!" Bakugo made explosions in his hands. The next team was: Todoroki, Aoyama, Sero, Sato and Kirishima. Sero used his tape to get along, Aoyama using his lazer, Todoroki using his ice, and the other 2 just swimming. Aoyama fell down though, taking Sero with him, meaning Todoroki was in first place. The last group was: Iida, Izuku, Ojiro and Shoji. Iida was the only one using his quirk, basically flying over the water. Just then, Izuku started using his quirk, making them both go at the exact same speed as each other. Fortunately, Midoriya was first.

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