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I went with Toga and Twice, running away from the scene. Police were looking for them both, and I didn't want to get dragged into it. A truck stopped in front of us, Shigaraki on the top of it with the back open and Dabi and Mr Compress standing there. "Blood Lock, jump in the back and change into your villain costume. You two, run on ahead. We're going to do something else and you both need to hide from police anyway." Shigaraki spoke. I nodded, jumping in the back. My black joggers and bandages were already back here, amazing. Luckily for me, I put the bandages on my top half before putting on my hero costume.

"L/n, Shigaraki says he wants you to sit on the top with him." Dabi looked over at me. I smiled, turning myself into blood and fazing through the roof of the truck then back to normal. "You needed me, uncle?" I sat down beside him. "Yes. Overhaul is in the truck in front of us, we are going to have a little chat with him. As my niece, you have the honor of joining me." He looked over at me. I hugged him, "Thank you uncle!"

"In shogi, the point is to take out the king, right?" Shigaraki asked. Dabi looked up, "It's not exactly that simple." "Indeed, they're here just as you say! This is the quickest route from the Hassaikai headquarters to the nearest villain hospital. The stage is now set. Thanks for letting us know." I heard Mr Compress talking on the phone.

"Hey Lizard, stop weaving! I get motion sick!" Dabi yelled. "Don't call me Lizard! My name is Spinner!" I heard him yell back, making me chuckle. "Shut up and focus on driving!" Dabi shouted back.

After a few moments, the truck and car were closer. "Lets go." Dabi spoke, creating a fire in his hand. I smiled, turning my eyes red. Dabi then shot blue fire out, hitting the car. "Of course they sent a hero with them, what a pain. Spinner, slow down." Shigaraki groaned. Once our truck was much more slow, uncle jumped off. The sand hero stopped him, creating sand to get him stuck in. Mr compress then dropped out a capsule, a massive rock appearing out of it and hitting the car.

I jumped down, Dabi following my lead, then Mr Compress. Shigaraki put his hand through the window glass of the truck, taking control of the wheel an crashing it. Me and Dabi headed behind the hero, seeing them checking up on an officer. "So predictable. Heroes always prioritise innocent lives." Dabi created fire in both of his hands now. "We've been finding burnt corpses all over the city, that's your doing, isn't it." The hero placed the officer down.

"Oh, people have been talking about me? That's nice to hear." Dabi chuckled. "Have you ever thought of the family of those you've murdered with cold blood!" The hero turned around, sending sand straight towards us. Dabi sent his fire forward, blocking the sand. All of a sudden, the hero disappeared into one of the capsules.

Mr compress ran over to us, "That got pretty intense, but sand doesn't burn, does it?" "I'm pretty sure he could only turn his top half into sand so hes probably dead." Dabi answered. We then saw Shigaraki next to Overhaul, but for some reason he was restrained to some sort of mattress. We walked over to them, standing over Overhaul.

"You know what I think Overhaul? Someone obsessed with erasing quirks, shouldn't have one of their own. Blood lock, would you like to do the honours?" Shigaraki looked over at me. I smiled, "Of course!" I looked down at Overhauls left arm, making it pop. I chuckled a bit when he let out a blood curdling scream. I then looked over at his other arm, making it pop again. Blood was all over him now, amazing.

"Someones coming, we gotta go!" I heard Spinner shout. Shigaraki and I walked away from him, heading towards Dabi and Mr Compress. We then headed towards our truck, Dabi and Mr Compress jumping inside while me and Shigaraki jumped on the top.


Me, Kirishima, Izuku, Tsuyu and Ochako walked into the dorms. Everyone was stood around in the common room, shocked to see us back. Mineta ran up to us, "There you guys are! It's about time you showed up!"

"All of us were worried about you."

"Yeah, we saw the news!"

"I was terrified!"

"Is anyone hurt?"


"Tell us everything!"

I chuckled at everyone making such a fuss about it. Todoroki walked towards me, pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him back. Normally he isn't the one for physical touch and pda, but he must've tried his hardest to pull forward and do this. We let go, and everyone was just saying aww. Well, everyone except for Momo. Strange, normally she would've been happy about this. She was happy when me and him got together a month ago, so why not now?

I headed back up to my dorm, sitting down at my desk. Poor Mirio, he doesn't have his quirk anymore. Poor Nighteye, he doesn't have his life anymore. I could've stopped both of those from happening, but I didn't. Mirio was right in front of me when he got shot. I saw Nighteye right as it pierced his stomach. Why did I do nothing? I should've been the one that lost my quirk. I should've been the one that died. I looked around on my desk, looking for one thing in particular. I got it out of one of my drawers. My blade.

One cut.

Two cut.

Three cut.

The blood dripped from my thigh.

Why not me.

I should just kill my self.

I should just join Nighteye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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