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I flew around the room on my shark, smiling my head off. Everyone was back together now, and it was fantastic. "Y/n. Get down, that's not safe and we have a guest coming." Shigaraki looked up at me. I pouted, "But Uncle Shiggyyyyy, this is really fun and I can barely use my quirk at U.A." He sighed, "Just, get down. You can make some bubbles can't you? Just play with them. Or you can go rob a bank of something, completely up to you." My eyes widened, "I'll get into my costume now! I need to go do something fun!"

I walked out of the bathroom, looking over the balcony. All I saw was a man, with everyone in front of him. Shigaraki caught a glimpse of me, "Blood Lock, this is Overhaul. He is the guest I was talking about." He then turned to the man, "Overhaul, this is Blood Lock." Overhaul looked up at me, giving a small bow, "It's nice to finally meet you, Blood lock." I jumped over the edge, falling onto a blood platform. I looked at him, "Nice to meet you too sir." I looked over at uncle, "I'll be going now. I'll most likely be back in at least 2 hours at max." He nodded, "Have fun, and be safe."


I jumped around the streets , seeing everyone staring at me. Well, it's most likely because I am holding a katana covered in blood. Blood was dripping everywhere, some from the sword but some from me. I got a massive cut along my back, and just by the feeling of it, it was deep. Well, deep enough to make my back leak blood.

Tons of bodies were all around, all dead. Instead of robbing a bank, I just decided to kill whoever I wanted. You can't blame me, killing was just so addictive now. Ever since that first mission, I just feel so much better letting my anger out on other people.

I looked forward, seeing Endeavour in the distance coming towards me. Great, just great. I looked around, my eyes stopping on someone. Todoroki, watching me. I felt my blood rush, and my cheeks go red. Oh god, this is so amazing.

I saw a girl beside him, holding onto him. I jumped over to her, grabbing her by the neck and throwing her onto the floor. I jumped next to her, looking at the girl. Oh fuck, it was his sister. I stepped back, letting her run back to Shoto.

"Stop there villain!" Endeavour stopped in front of me. I chuckled, "Oh god, what are you going to do? You literally can't stop me." His fire hair stood up even more, "I will, and the rest of your gang if I have to." I made a circle of blood fire surrounding me, "Oh yeah? And how will you do that when you don't even know my name." "It's Blood lock. Just with that, I can find out who you are. You won't get away with killing everyone in a bank, then just killing innocent civilians now." He stepped closer. My flames grew larger, "I can get away with it, and I will."

My eyes turned bright red as I took control of his body. I threw him over towards a building, leaving him there. God, he's so annoying.


I got out the shower, looking in the mirror. I straight away noticed something, something that wasn't there before. The ends of my hair were turning dark red, and it was obvious. Way too obvious. With my light blue hair having now dark red in it, everyone will be able to notice. Just shit. This has to be because of blood manipulation, the same thing happened to Siape and now her hair is the same colour all over.

I went into my room, finding some clothes. The only option I have is either leaving it or dying my hair completely. Or I could just cut the red out my hair. Fuck, why didn't I think of that. I ran back into the bathroom, grabbing my scissors. Luckily for me, my hair goes down to my ass so this shouldn't make much of a difference, right?


"A newspaper?" We all said in sync. Aizawa sighed, "Yeah. They want to do a feature on our class for some reason." We all started talking, excited to finally be getting more recognition. It's not like I didn't get enough though. Just 3 days ago, I got took out of school to do a photo shoot with my mother. I then had to do one with Mt. Lady, which was super annoying.

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