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"Y/n Kayama, previously Y/n L/n, what exactly happened at the League of Villains hideout." The chief of police pulled out some documents and a pen, getting ready to document what I was about to say. I could either lie or tell the truth. "Shigaraki asked me multiple times while my classmate was still knocked out to join the League, to which I denied every time." I lied. He wrote it down, "Why did they take you through Kurogiri's warp gate then." I sighed, "I truly don't know. I got knocked out while going through it and awoke in my bed at home."

He nodded, "Stay here. Don't do anything irrational, we have you on camera." He then walked out of the room, taking the pen and documents. I looked down at the slightly burnt table off Bakugo, why did this have to happen to me? Like yes, I was grateful to finally meet the last surviving family member off my mothers side, but why in this type of way. I could've lived without knowing him, but it's too late now. I'm already apart of the League, so there's no backing out now.

I am gonna make mama proud through this, right? Right, uncle?


"We ask for your permission, Miss Kayama, for your daughter to move into the U.A dorms." Aizawa and All might sat in front of me and my mother. My mother smiled, "Of course, it's the best thing anyway because then I can still see my daughter around campus." "Mommmm." I groaned. Aizawa and All might then stood up while bowing down, "Thank you Miss Kayama, we will train your daughter to become the best hero possible."

I sat down on my bed, grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I saw some notifications from the Villains group chat, all tagging me. I went onto it, reading the messages.


17:08 🔋78%

Y/n, we are sending
Kurogiri to collect you
from your home right now.

Yeah! You're
coming killing with me!

Yeah sure, but I'll need
to get some sort of
costume still.

That's fine, Toga has an
idea of what to do but
we need you to bring
some black sweatpants.

I'm coming now, be ready.


I quickly grabbed some black sweatpants from my drawer right when Kurogiri appeared in my room. "Come on, we don't have all day." He groaned. I nodded, going into the gate. I was in a room, Toga and another girl sitting on the bed. "Hey! You finally came!" Toga stood up. The other girl looked at me, "Hey, I'm Crimson. I was supposed to join with the rest of these guys but I got held back in travel." I smiled, "Well, nice to meet you Crimson."

"Now, to my idea! It's very simple, we just have you in your sweatpants with a bit of bandages covering your boobs! Don't worry, it won't fall off you! We made sure to get the type that will just stick onto your skin and can't rip." Toga pulled out some bandages. I nodded, "Well, let's start then."


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