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' "Mama! Look!" I made a small ball of water. "Oh honey, I'm so proud of you!" My mother ran up to me, pulling me in for a hug. "When I'm older, I'm going to become a hero to protect you and dada!" I smiled, my eyes shining brightly. My mother looked into my eyes, "And I will be very grateful for that darling, but become a hero to save others." I nodded, "Hero Oshanrida will be my name!" "That's perfect honey, I love it. You're just like me, exact same water quirk and looks." She smiled at me. '

I looked at the floor, replaying that memory. The day I got my quirk, and the day I thought of being a hero. "Miss Kayama, mind to share to everyone what you are daydreaming about since it seems so much interesting than this lesson." Aizawa snapped me out of my thoughts. "S-Sorry sir, it won't happen again." I looked at him, hoping he would let me off.


"I am here, coming through the door like a hero! Welcome to the most important class at U.A high! Think of it as heroing 101! Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good. Let's get into it! But one of the keys of being a hero is, looking good!" All Might pointed towards some tiles pushing out, "These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started! Get yourselves suited up, then meet at training ground arena." Everyone began screaming on, finally, we get to wear our costumes.

All the girls were talking while changing into their costumes. I finally got it on me, and I will say, it was tight even though it was beautiful. There was tons of skin showing, which was perfect to shoot water out of, and to be able to get myself soaked with waves. It was a white, gray and black suit that looked more like a swim suit if I'm being honest. Only thing I did like about it was the gloves that finished just at the middle part of the fingers, so I can shoot water out of them.

 Only thing I did like about it was the gloves that finished just at the middle part of the fingers, so I can shoot water out of them

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"Ughhh, my suit is so tightttt." Uraraka groaned. "Girl, look at mine! I will say though, your suit is really tight on you." I looked at her. Mina winked at me, "Wow girl, where did you get those big titties and curvy waist from like damn, if I was a dude I would smash you any day." "Come on, they're just genetics from my mom." I smacked her shoulder.


We started walking through the tunnel, waiting to finally see the light and to see eachothers costumes. Most of us couldn't see ours due to the darkness, now I wish I had a dark vision quirk. Once we got out, I stood next to Jiro. "Wow girl, I couldn't see your costume before because of the dark but Mina was right about smashing you." Jiro smirked at me, causing my cheeks to go red. "Wow Y/n, I didn't know you could look that good." Kaminari walked up to me and Jiro. "Why the fuck is everyone saying that! Should I have gotten my suit a bit less tight?" I questioned, obviously confused.

"Now that you're ready, its time for combat training!" All Might put his hands on his waist. "Sir, this is the fake city from our entrance exam, does that mean we will be conducting urban battles again?" Iida spoke up. Wow, he was wearing a complete metal outfit. I didn't even recognise him over that helmet. "Not quite! I'm going to move you two steps ahead! Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking, run-ins with the most evil doers take place indoors. Think about it, backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground layers. Truly intelligent villains stay hidden in the shadows! For this exercise, you will be split into teams of good guys and bad guys, and fight two on two indoor battles! The best training is what you get on the battle field! But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time. You're dealing with actual people now."

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