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"You have to be joking me!" Hawks shouted at the tv. Me, him and Miriko were all playing Mario cart, and he lost again. Miriko burst out laughing, "You seriously can't win can you!" He looked at her, "Yes I can! Just not when against you both, it's impossible!" I smiled, Hawks and Miriko were the first people I got along with, and the first I became friends with.

"I think Hawks is getting a bit sad, how about we put him in the frier and make some chicken?" I laughed, and Rumi did louder. He just groaned, "You're making me hungry now! Stop being so meannnn!" Me and Miriko just looked at each other, trying not to laugh.

"Y/n, Rumi. Although Keigo is loosing a lot, that is not something to joke about. Neither is he being a big chicken something to joke about either." Nemuri smiled at us. I fell off the couch, "Even my mother agrees! You can't beat us Keigo!" He pulled his knees up to his head, wrapping his wings around himself. "Once you stop being mean, you can get me out of here." He mumbled. I mouthed the words, 'such a big baby' to Rumi, making her giggle.

"Okay, okay. We'll stop being so so mean to you Keigo." I stroked his wings. He revealed himself, "Really?" "Yeah bitch! Now come on, I wanna play Mario cart!" Miriko jumped up and down. I grabbed my controller, "Then let's do it!" She smirked, grabbing her's and Hawks's controller, putting his in his hands.

After the chaos of the villains today, this has to be the perfect relaxing time.


I heard a knock at the door, jumping up to answer it as I was home alone. I opened the door, "Hello? How may I help you." "I am Juni Karamo, a friend of your deceased mother. I have something to talk to you about, may I come in?" The looked at me. My eyes widened, "Yeah, of course!" They came in, standing at the door way as I closed it. They sighed, "May I take a seat? This is a very long story."

"Before your mother died, she told me about an extra quirk she had. It was something called Blood manipulation, and how she only had it due to her water quirk. It could control peoples movements, and their quirks. She told me how she wished to teach you how to control it as you got older, but it seems like she could not. I am only reaching out to you now to ask if you would like training by myself to help you gain and control this quirk?" They seemed really serious. I nodded, "If it is what my mother would've wanted, then sure."

"Great. Is there anywhere that we can get started now, it should only take up 1 hour of your time per day to learn it. Overall, to get a manageable control over the quirk, it would take up to 7 hours. Meaning, we would have to train you for a week." They explained. I agreed, this should be interesting.

I led them to my training centre outside, a ton of equipment being there. They looked at the whole place, "This should be good. Now, think of a small drop of blood turning into a disaster like someone you love getting hurt. This should make it easier for you to start off small." I closed my eyes, thinking of the blood. It turned into Nemuri getting hurt in a villain attack, along with Hawks and Miriko.

"That's great. Now, open your eyes and try to control my hand." They smiled. I opened my eyes, focusing my vision on her hand. I felt a strange sensation going through my body, then it happened. I made her hand turn into a fist. "Why are these red lines coming from my hands to yours?" I tilted my head to the side. Jumi sighed, "That is the key part of blood manipulation. Those lines will appear every time you take control of someone. If you had a high intention to, you can make the lines visible to people to see, though I do not recommend it."

She looked at me, "Well, that is amazing work for this session. I must tell you, while you are using this quirk, your eyes may start to drip blood a bit, but that is nothing to worry about." I nodded, "Thank you, when will be the next time I see you?" "I will come collect you at some point throughout the day while you are in school so be ready." She stood still.

Jinsei - S. TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now