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"Master, lend me your power." Tomura turned to the monitor. Bakugo scoffed, "Master? I thought you were the boss around here, but you're a side kick." "Kurogiri, Compress, it's time to put him back to sleep. Keep Y/n here awake." Shigaraki mumbled. Compress sighed, "He's such a bad audience member. It's almost impressive." Bakugo trembled around, "If you want me to listen then get on your knees and beg!"

A knock came from the door behind us, "Hello? I gotta pizza delivery here." In just a few seconds, something knocked Spinner down to the ground. Oh fuck, All Might. I ran over to Shigaraki, hiding behind him. "What the!" Spinner was obviously in shock. Shigaraki looked at me then Kurogiri, "Kurogiri! Gate!" Kamui woods then appeared, trapping them in wood. The old man Izuku was with then kicked Dabi in the face, "Don't do anything foolish. Keep your best interest to cooperate with us."

"Just what I expected from a new hero, and a veteran who can move where the eye cannot see. You can't run anymore League of Villains, understand? Because we are here now!" All might just started rambling on about how good he was. "Right after the press conference? They had this roose planned the whole time!" Compress squirmed around. "Tree man you're hugging me too tight! Harder!" Twice couldn't stop switching personalities. The main thing that pissed me off was that they just stood there while Toga was crying.

"Oh! You must've been scared! But stayed strong. I'm sorry, you're safe now young man. You too young woman." He went from Bakugo to me. Bakugo shot straight up, "WHAT! I WASN'T SCARED! NOT EVEN CLOSE!" "After I went through all the trouble of preparing this, the final boss goes and shows up on my door step." Shigaraki mumbled. I looked around, theres no way to even get them out. "KUROGIRI! PULL OVER AS MANY AS YOU CAN!" Ah, now I see what his plan is.

"Tomura Shigaraki, the Nomu were supposed to be in a fixed location but, they're gone." Kurogiri sounded disappointed. The heroes must've found out where they were being kept. "It seems you have a lot to learn, Shigaraki. You're still green. Your little 'League' underestemated all of us. The soul of these young children, the polices diligent investigations, and, our right fury. Enough is enough! Your game has come to an end! Tomura Shigaraki." He needs to keep his filthy mouth shut. Shigaraki sighed, "You think its over? Don't be stupid. I've only just begun to put in justice, peace. You created a garbage society just by ridiculous ideals! That's why I targeted you, All Might. It's why I started gathering people to my cost. You think this is the end? Then you've lost."

"Kurogiri!" Shigaraki turned to him. The man from earlier started moving around, "Ah! What just happened! I couldn't see anything! Did they kill him!" "I played around with his insides and made him fall unconscious. He was such a nuisance, he had to sleep." One of the heroes heads appeared on top of Kurogiri. "Weren't you listening earlier? You'll all be better off if you take us seriously. Kenji Hikiishi, Atsuhiro Sako, Shuichi Iguchi, Himiko Toga, Jin Bubaigawara. Though they had little time and information, the police worked through the night to discover your true identities. Do you understand? There's nowhere left for any of you to run. So Shigaraki, one question, where is your boss hiding?" Gran Torino spoke.

Shigaraki began shaking, obviously trying to figure a way out of this mess, "No. This is.. not.. over. Just you wait. The game is still mine!" "You'll tell us where he is right now! Young Kayama, get away from him as well!" All Might demanded. I looked to my uncle, then to All Might. Shigaraki looked at me, closing his eyes and looking down. I walked over to All Might, feeling disappointed in myself. "Go away.. disappear!" Shigaraki was tearing up. All Might gritted his teeth, "Shigaraki!" "This is your fault! I hate you!" Just then, black portals came behind him.

Nomu began to pour out of them, guess he did have a plan. Bakugo got taken into the portal first, his taking was really rough. I got taken next, roughly but still a bit more calm. Me and him then got dropped off in front of a man, he was in a dark suit with a black mask on. We were coughing a lot, all the substances that were in the portal getting into our lungs. "My apologises Bakugo, Kayama." The man spoke low, but compassionate. I quickly bowed down to him while Bakugo was focused on everyone else getting out, him returning one back.

"Master.." Tomura dropped to his knees. "So, you failed once more Tomura, but you must not be discouraged. You'll try again, thats why I brought your associates back with you, even these children, because you judged they were an important piece on your game board. Start over as many times as it takes, I am here to provide you with help. All of this, is for you." The man reached his hand out to Tenko. He then looked up to the sky, "Ah, there you are."

All might punched the man, "I'll have you return my students, All for One!" "Have you come to kill me a second time, All Might?" All for One fought back. I ran over to Shigaraki, feeling tears brew up in my eyes as he slowly cried. I checked his body, "Uncle, are you okay?" He looked at me, "Yes, I am alright. Go stand back with Bakugo before he notices you disappeared, you don't want to get into any bother now do you?" I felt hot tears roll down my cheeks as I pulled him in for a hug, "I will make you proud." I then stood back near Bakugo just when he turned to look at me.

"Get off the Battle field Tomura, and take these children with you." Everyone then stood around us as All for One left, fighting All Might again. All of them then began to aim for Bakugo, while I just stood by. After a few moments, a massive slab of ice came out of nowhere as 3 people progressed on top of it, Kirishima, Iida and Deku. Kirishima then held his arm out, "Come on, Bakugo!" My heart dropped. They forgot about.. me? Bakugo went straight up, leaving me alone with the Villains.

Toga came up to me, "I'm so sorry that happened to you, they don't deserve you." "Yeah, they're mean! They're way better than you!" Twices personalities were acting up again, making me laugh a bit. Everyone else was fighting, the only ones being unable to fight were Dabi and Kurogiri due to being passed out. Mount lady dropped from the sky, Compress following along. Everyone ran into the portal, all except me, Toga and Shigaraki. "Tomura, I don't wanna die in this place!" She was shaking. I nodded, "Me too, I still wanna make mama proud."

Just then, we all got dragged into the portal. I could faintly hear Todoroki scream, "Y/n!" My vision went dark, and I blacked out.

I woke up, seeing my room around me. Huh? When did I get back home?

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