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We were all stationed at the exact same place. Me, Kirishima, Deku, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Mirio, Nejire, Tamaki, all of us. Most of the heroes were here too, strange. I looked around, seeing who I could recognise. Straight away, I locked eyes with 2 certain people. Kinto Jek and Leo Oli were here! Wow, they must be working with one of the heroes here.

"Thanks to all the information provided by all of you, our investigation has progressed substantially. We've invited you all here for a joint conference to share the intel we've acquired regarding Shie Hassaikai and what we believe they may be planning." Sir Nighteye stepped into the middle of the room. Fuck, this is about Overhaul.

"Alright, lets begin at the beginning. For the past couple of weeks now, those of us at Nighteye agency have been conducting an investigation into Shie Hassaikai, a small but organised group of criminals." Bubble girl began talking. "What prompted this." Someone said. "An accident involving a gang of thieves Reservoir Dogs." She answered. "Yeah, I heard about that."

"The police thought the whole thing was an accident, but there were a number of details that didn't add up. So we began tailing them." God, if they've been doing this then fuck knows how much detail they've got about me.

"In my capacity as a Nighteye agency sidekick, I began following leads to see what I could uncover. I found that in the past year, the members of Shie Hassaikai have increased contact with those outside of their organisation, including other group business dealings. Their aim seems to be expanding their organisation and enriching its funds. Shortly after our investigation began, they made contact with 2 members of the league of villains."

Shit, they know our plan. It wasn't just Twice that talked with them, I did too. Well, I didn't do much. I was just in my villain costume and saw Overhaul. We said a few words about our attacks then left it, not much happened.

"Jin Bubaigawara. Villain name, Twice." A picture of Twice appeared on the screen appeared. Then a picture of me, "Name, unknown. Villain name, Blood Lock. But with the help of the police, I had confirmed that an altercation occurred between the two groups." "That'd be about when they reached out to Tsukauchi and me. Figured we'd be able to assist seeing the Leagues involvement." Gran Torino spoke up. "Where is Tsukauchi?" Someone next to him asked. "Follow ups with some other eyewitnesses. You know, cop stuff. Sorry kid. I didn't see something like this coming. I've got a bad feeling that somethings about to get ugly." Gran Torino looked down.

"I don't care if they do, I wanna help." Izuku spoke back. Mirio looked over to him, "Hold up, you know him?" "Oh, Gran Torino? I did my internship with him." Fuckin hell, Izuku knows some old people. "Go on Bubble Girl." Sir Nighteye looked over to her. She perked up, "So, after all that went down, we posted a notice on the HN-" "You can skip that part." The cockroach interrupted. "Sorry!" She looked down. "What's the HN?" Uraraka questioned. "Stands for hero network. It's an online service that can only be accessed by pros. You can see what all the pros in the country are up to, and you can ask for help from people who's quirks might come in handy!" Nejire answered.

"Does anybody wanna tell me why a bunch of high school kids were invited to this conference? I don't care if they are from U.A, if we have to keep stopping to explain this stuff, we'll never get to the actual plan." Some random guy seemed to have an issue with us. Fat Gum stood up, "Don't say that! These three have important information to pass along!" "Uh, we do?" Kirishima seemed confused as Tamaki put his head on the desk. "Yeah, we do." I nudged Eijiro. "Anyway, I see a lotta new faces to let me introduce myself! Nice to meet ya, I'm Fat Gum!"

"Hassaikai movements are hard to trace but one of their main sorces of income are illegal drug sales. So I requested help from heroes experts in that area." Nighteye sighed. "Yeah, I brought in my fair share of drug dealers back in the day. And if Red Riot and Oshanrida debut fight they proved they could too! Tamaki was shot and the bullet contained some kind of drug I've never heard of before. One that destroys quirks." Fuck, now hes just gotten them worried.

Jinsei - S. TodorokiWhere stories live. Discover now