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I was eating my lunch with Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, Toru, Ochako and Tsuyu. "I'm kind of scared about the practical. We have no idea what it's gonna be." Izuku was praying. Iida looked at Midoriya, "Hard to believe they'd give us anything too crazy." "The written exam will all be stuff from class so I should at least be able to do those." He started eating. Uraraka seemed shocked, "Do you really think its going to be that simple?" "It's driving me nuts. I just wanna know what they'll have us doing." Midoriya seemed deep in thought.

In the mid-terms exam I at least got 2nd place in marks so hopefully it will be as easy as it was then. "It's a comprehensive test of everything we've learnt this year." Hagakure stopped eating for a moment. "Yep, and that's all we can get Mr Aizawa to tell us." Tsu ate some of her bread. Ochako looked up, "Okay so then it'll cover combat training and rescue training. Oh and basic training." "We can't just study, we have to stay in great physical shape." Izuku was cut off my someone elbowing him right in the head.

Monoma was there, "Oh, sorry. Your heads so big that it's hard to miss." "Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes. He groaned, "God, you are seriously everywhere I go you copycat." "You're from 1B. Um, Monoma right? That really hurt." Izuku tried to get along with him. Neito seemed disguested, "You guys stumbled across the hero killer. Just like in the sports festival, Class 1A isn't happy unless they're the centre of attention. But you do realise you're not in the spotlight because people think you're good heroes, right? It's just that you keep getting into so much trouble. Here's room for thought; someday the rest of us might just get caught up in your mess and then we'll become unwilling victims as well. What kind of fitting heroes will you bring upon us?"

Kendo smacked him, "That's not funny Monoma. You heard what happened to Iida, chill out. I apologise for him. I'm pretty sure there's a hole where his heart should be." Lika appeared next to her, "Kendo! What did I tell you about smacking my boyfriend!" "I know, I know I'm sorry!" Kendo picked him up.

Lika turned to us, "Oh, nice to meet you guys! I see you're friends with copycat Kayama, must be the same as her." I stood up, "Fucking talk about my friends again and you'll die you piece of shit." "Oh, what you gonna do? Cry to mommy and daddy? Oh wait, I forgot, they're dead." She started laughing.

I thought for a second, before controlling her body. "Hey! Let go of me!" She seemed pretty pissed off. I smirked, "You gonna shut your filthy mouth? Actually, I know you won't. So, how about I get a little revenge on what you did to my cat, the one you killed." I slammed her head on the floor multiple times, her head dripping of blood. "Stop it you slut! I'll kill you next, then the rest of your fucking family!" She said between her head getting smashed. Todoroki stood up, "Come on Y/n, we don't want you to get in trouble."

I dropped her after a thought, seeing her run to the infirmary. "Kayama! How dare you ruin our class reputation with as you called 'a little revenge'!" Iida seemed angry. I shrugged my shoulders, "Shouldn't have killed my cat, or spoke about my parents." Nezu came to our table, "Y/n Kayama, my office. Now." I laughed, "Oh wow, seems like she couldn't keep it shut."

"What is the cause of your disagreement with Siape." Nezu drank some of his tea. I groaned, "She accused me of copying her quirk, killed my cat, made fun of my dead parents, called me a slut, then said she would kill me and my whole family." "That is a lot, but that doesn't give the excuse to use your quirk for harm." He pushed another cup of tea towards me. I took a sip, "So, whats my punishment for my actions." "2 days of lunch detention, it's the most I can give seeing the circumstances." He put his cup down.


I walked into class, throwing my bag on my chair while I sat on my desk. "Y/n! What did Nezu do?" Ochako and Hagakure ran up to me. I tried to calm down, "He gave me 2 days detention. Didn't even care that Siape literally said I copied her fucking quirk, killed my cat that I've had for 2 years, then to top it all of, saying shit about my parents."

"Kayama, why did she say stuff about your supposed 'parents', isn't your parents just Midnight?" Deku looked at me. I put a brownie in my mouth, "Oh, it's because my real ones are dead." Everyone in the class looked shocked. "Oh my god I am so so sorry Kayama!" Izuku started bowing down repeatedly. I smiled, "It's fine, she was the only one to know except for my best friend."

"Who's your best friend! Tell me please!" Mina jumped up and down. I sighed, "Pro hero Miriko." "OH MY FUCKING GOD, YOU'RE FRIENDS WITH MIRIKO AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME!" Hagakure and Mina went crazy.


I finally finished my last written exam, letting out a sigh of relief. "Alright, put your pencils down. Last person in each row, bring the answer sheets to me." Aizawa was watching over us. Todoroki took my paper, seeing as he was the last.

Todoroki and Momo were against Aizawa, Izuku and Bakugo against All Might, Kirishima and Sato against Cementos, Tsuyu and Tokoyami against some copying hero, Iida and Ojiro against a short ass dude, Ochako and Aoyama against Thirteen, Mina and Denki against Nezu, Jiro and Koda against Present mic, Shoji and Toru against some bullet guy, Mineta and Sero against my mother, and me against nobody.

Aizawa looked to me, "Kayama. We decided to bring in one of your old training buddies for this exercise seeing as everyone else has a team. You will be the 5th one to fight in this exam." Just then, Hawks came flying down. He smirked at me, "Hey baby bird, guess I will win something against you for once." I stiffed up a laugh, "You couldn't even win Mario Cart against me and Miriko." "That was because you guys were cheating." He groaned.

Hawks put on his stamina holders, "God, this is gonna be hell against you." "I know, it's because I'm so good at fighting aren't I?" I did a little hair flip. He scoffed, "Yeah right. I'm not letting me, the no. 3 pro hero get taken down by a 16 year old." "Hey! I'll be 17 before you know it!" "Okay, okay, if you say so." He chuckled.

He started heading away after a bit of talking, "Good luck baby bird." "I told you to stop calling me that!" He just laughed, winking at me.

"Oh, didn't know you guys would be in here too!" I walked into the monitoring room. Izuku looked at me, "Yeah, our teammates are busy." "You're so lucy that you can just make up a strategy as you're fighting! And, you're against Hawks!" Ochako sighed. It was currently Kirishima and Sato's match. In just 5 minutes, they were knocked out. Wow, that was fast.

It was then Tsu and Tokoyami's turn. They put them in the middle of a stage, limiting Tsu's quirk. Their match went by quickly too, damn. All 4 matches did, that's kinda shit to be honest.

It was now my match, and to say that I'm ready, is a complete lie. I was placed in the woods, giving me a complete disadvantage. I made some little goldfish, placing them in trees to look out for Hawks. Once they have sight of him, they will swim back to me from the direction in which he was seen.

A fish came back front my top right, making me make a water pole to propel myself into the sky. I saw him, flying around. Knowing my luck, hes going to send his feathers towards me. I made a bubble around his wings, making him fall to the ground. I jumped down, running towards where he landed.

He was fully stable, ready to fight. "I see you were going to aim them towards me." I pointed to the stuck feathers around the inside of the bubble. He scoffed, "It's my main move baby bird, you should know this by now." I smirked, "Yeah, and every time this has happened, you've had the exact same moves." His face went pale, gotcha now.

I made a replica of Aizawas scarf, just out of blood. I threw it at him, tying his body together. I locked his hands together, smirking. "Told you I would win, big bird." I whispered into his ear. He looked like he just saw heaven, "You just called me big bird! Yippie! We have matching nicknames now!" 'Kayama has passed this exam' is what I heard over the alarms. I let Hawks go, feeling him pull me in to a tight hug. "I might just get you chicken nuggets for your birthday instead." He squeezed tighter.

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