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"I had a good poop this morning that makes my balls stickier, heh. Not going anywhere, heh." Mineta was getting dragged by me and Tsuyu.

"Remember Midoriya, we're just here to check how things are going. Right?" Mineta whispered. "Yeah, I know. We'll get outta here the second it seems dangerous." Midoriya said as we poked our head up. It was chaos. Aizawa was fighting some blue haired dude with hands all over his face, weird. I recognise him from somewhere, but fuck knows. Aizawa's elbow started disintegrating the second the villain touched it, wow. The dudes quirk must be that when he touches something, it disintegrates. Just then, something appeared behind our teacher, smashing his face into the ground. I covered my mouth, tears dripping down my face. Who would do something this messed up?

His arms were getting broken, blood splattering everywhere. His cries could be heard from everywhere, making me want to cry more. The blue haired then came for us, putting his hand toward Asui. His hand was right on his face, and nothing happened. "You really are so cool." The man turned around. Aizawa had red eyes, using his quirk. Izuku then jumped up, getting his fist ready, "You, let her go!" He punched the man, making everything go flying around. Wow, his quirk is sick dude! But all good things must come to an end.

It wasn't the dude he punched, it was the larger creature. It grabbed Deku's arm, pushing his other hand closer to his face. The blue haired man's hand was going for Mineta and Asui, leaving me in shock. Just then, there was a massive crash. All Might. "I guess are game is getting a continue." The man croaked. "W-We're saved!" Mineta screamed. I grabbed onto Mineta as Asui held onto Izuku. I felt like strangling Mineta when one of his hands met my titty, but all I did was push the hand away.

Straight away, he launched into battle. 3 people down in a matter of 10 seconds, wow. He then held Aizawa in his arms, poor man. He turned to face Aizawa's torturer. Seeing us, he ran and grabbed us in his arms. The blue man's hand covering his face fell on the ground, revealing himself. "What the heck." Mineta grabbed onto my arm. All Might put his hand on Aizawa, "Everybody back to the entrance. And take Aizawa with you. He doesn't have much time." We nodded.

Izuku grabbed Aizawa, flinging him over his shoulders. He then turned to All Might, "All Might. You can't. That brain thing took one for, I smashed him and didn't break my arm this time. But he wasn't fazed at all. He's too strong!" All Might pushed his hand back, "Young Midoriya. I've got this." Midoriya hesitated for a moment, before walking away from the battle field. We followed behind, trying to hold onto Aizawa. Mineta held onto his left foot while I was on his right, Asui was just walking next to Midoriya.

"Are you guys seeing this? That super looked like an explosion. All Might's on a whole other level!" Mineta looked at us. "And yet he still has to look at his notes when teaching us." Tsu put her finger too her cheek. "Get that guy! Punch him right in the balls!" Mineta screamed at the fight. Tsu turned around, "Maybe we were worried about these bad guys for nothing. All Might's unstoppable!" Asui sounded happy, but a tint of worry too. "Yeah, but at the same time, it's likely that he will get hurt. That thing did seem really powerful." I looked down.

"Asui." Izuku turned to her. She looked at him, "Yeah, what is it Midoriya?" "Will you carry Mr Aizawa for me?" "Ribbit. Sure, but what are you gonna do?" She looked confused as she stepped towards Aizawa. Izuku started running away as Asui took Aizawa. I looked beside me, "Mineta, hold onto his feet. I'm going with Izuku!" Mineta nodded, grabbing the other foot. I caught up to Midoriya, "I don't know what you're planning on doing, but I'm not just going to sit back and watch you risk you life!" He turned to me, "You don't understand! He is going to die if I don't help!" "Then let me help too! I understand you and All Might have some sort of bond going on and that is why you're doing this!" I shouted at him. He sighed, "Alright, but if you get hurt don't blame me."

The demon was holding onto All Might, it's claw going right into his side. Me and Midoriya ran faster, needing to help him. Midoriya jumped forward, almost getting sucked up by a portal. "Izuku!" I shouted, no, I can't loose someone else. Just then, an explosion came into contact with Izuku and the portal, Bakugo. "Get the hell out of my way Deku!" He shouted. Then, he grabbed the metal part, slamming it to the ground. Izuku backed towards me, probably to stay safe.

Ice came out of nowhere, freezing the monster on All Might, Todoroki. "One of your poorly trained thugs told me your here because you think you can kill All Might." Todoroki looked pretty serious. All Might used the ice to get out of the demon's grip, jumping next to Todoroki.

Kirishima then tried to jump down onto the hand dude, but missing. "Kacchan, everyone." Izuku muttered, tearing up. I hugged him, feeling him hug back. After a few seconds, I let go, becoming serious again. "They've came to help us man." I looked at him. He nodded, looking back at the battle field. We've circled the dude, and now it was time to take him down.

"Kurogiri, how could you let this brat get the best of you. You've gotten us into a real jam here." The man turned to the purple portal. Kurogiri was its name, strange. Bakugo scoffed, "Heh, you've gotten careless you dumb villain. It wasn't hard to figure you out. Only certain parts of you turn into that smoking, warp gate. You use that mist to hide your body, kind of distracts it. Thinking that made you safe, that's why we missed. But if you didn't have a body you wouldn't be wearing this neck armour, right? You're not immune to physical attacks if they're well aimed." The thing tried to move around. Bakugo sent an explosion into the metal, "Don't move. If you try anything funny I'll blow your ass up right no, you got it? They'll be cleaning you up for weeks." "Woah, that doesn't sound very heroic." Kirishima smiled.

The nomu then went into the ground, disappearing from clear sight. It then came back up, one of it's arms and legs snapping off. Izuku stepped back, "How is that thing still moving, it's all messed up. "Stay back everybody!" All Might put his arm back. The nomu grew back another arm and leg, fucking scary but also cool. All Might stood up, "What is this, I thought you said his power was shock absorption." "I didn't say that was his only quirk. He also has super regeneration. Nomu has been modified to take you on, even at 100% of your power. He's basically a highly efficient punching bag that hits back." The man laughed. Fuck, how are we supposed to defeat both of them. "First, we need to free our method of escaping. Get him Nomu." He directed as the Nomu ran towards Bakugo. It punched him, sending a huge gust of air to make us fly around.

"Kacchan!" Deku called out. He turned around, "Kacchan? Woah, that's awesome. You dodged him!" "Shut up. No I didn't you damn nerd." Bakugo stayed in shock. Kirishima stood up, "Then how'd you get over here?" Todoroki held me his hand to help me up, which I took. Once I was up, I realised how close my face and chest was to his. "S-Sorry." I stepped back. My face was bright red while his had the smallest amount of blush on. "Isn't it obvious?" Bakugo looked at the wall. All Might was there. "All Might!" Me and Izuku shouted.

"We've got them outnumbered." Todoroki stood still. Deku got ready, "And Kacchan found out the miss guys weakness." "These dudes may act really tough, but we can take them down now with All Mights help. Let's do this." Kirishima made his arms hard. All Might walked foreward, "Don't attack. Get out of here." "You would've been in trouble earlier if it weren't for me, remember. You need our help." Todoroki did save him. "I thank you for your assistance, but this is different! It's gonna be alright, just sit back and watch a pro at work!" All Might cut him off.

The Nomu and All Might were fighting like crazy, while the blue haired man got flung to the other side of the arena. All Might was so fucking cool! He did his final smash, making the villain go flying out the building.

I saw my mother, among the group of heroes. I smiled, shes here. She's here, to save us, to save me.

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