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(Play the song when '$$$' appears)

"Looks like we'll be at the training camp a whole week." Iida was reading the book about our training. 5 of us didn't pass, but it didn't matter since they were still able to come to the camp. Midoriya looked over, "I've gotta find a bigger suitcase." "Yeah, I don't even have a bathing suit. Guess I need to buy some stuff." Kaminari groaned. Mineta popped up, "Night vision goggles."

"Guys, since we're all off school tomorrow, I have an idea! Why doesn't class 1A go shopping together!" Toru shown a sense of light to us. "Hell yeah! We've never hung out as a class before!" Denki beamed.

I felt a vibration from my pocket, getting out my phone to check. It was Hawks, strange. He never normally messages me while I'm at school.


"Oh man, do I love this place! It's got a ton of different stores to shop at, and they're all super cool and hip! The Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!" Mina was screaming on. People then started pointing us out. It was me, Mina, Momo, Jiro, Toru, Kaminari, Deku, Iida, Kirishima, Tokoyami and Shoji.

We all agreed to meet back at our the center at 3pm. It gives me 2 hours at least, perfect amount of time. I headed to this fish shop, going inside and heading to the counter. I smiled, "Hi, I got told you guys needed a new batch of fish?" "Oh yes dear, follow me." An old woman walked towards a tank. She pointed to only 1 fish, "That's the only one in there unfortunately. If you can, could you please make some more?" I nodded, making more of the same breed appear.

I was then off to swimwear shop, looking for some sort of swimsuit for me to wear at camp. I turned around, and something caught my eye. It was a bikini with blue and red wavy stripes, cool! Only thing bad about it was that it was all attached by flimsy strings. I payed for the clothing, heading out the shop.

I was soon evacuated to everyone else in our class, Ochako and Izuku getting questioned. I tapped Kaminari's shouder, "Pst, what happened?" He looked at me, "Shigiraki some how got in here without anyone realising."


'Everyone must come to school in some sort of non-uniform tomorrow. The meaning being, there will be a performance and a summer dance.' We heard Nezu say over the intercom. Mina jumped onto her desk, "Girls, you better come over my house so we can do our makeup together tomorrow!"

"Of course Mina!"

"I will bring some spare dresses for whoever needs them."

"Ribbit, I don't want to put on makeup but okay."

I looked at her, "So so sorry Mina, I can't. I've got a um important meeting to go to so I can't really go to the dance." "WHAT! YOU'RE CHOOSING A STUPID MEETING OVER A DANCE?!?!" Toru and Mina seemed shocked as shit.




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