Chapter One🕊📝

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Pretty wings by Maxwell
~Kingsley's outfit above^~

I walk down the stairs of my home to see my mother setting up the table with my father simply sitting at the table reading a book

"Oh Kingsley darling, come eat" My mother says warmly, I nod with no words after and sit down at the other end of the table with my father facing me

A stone cold expression on his face

My mother sets my food in front of me before doing the same for my father, I see my mother go in for a kiss but my father turns his head from her to look at me

" ready for your move tomorrow" My Father asks as my mother looks down to the floor dejectedly before sitting down next to me

I sigh and grab my glass before taking a sip of my wine, I put my glass down and don't respond as I lean back into my chair causing my father to put his book down on the table with a slight slam

"Kingsley...when I speak I expect you to respond to me" My father says gritting his teeth causing me to clench my jaw

"I have no choice but to be ready" I say as I try to remain calm

"Don't take that attitude to your future families home....I raised you to be a better man....a man who is prepared for anything no matter how uncomfortable...get it together" My father says getting increasingly angry causing my mother to shift in her seat as she eats her food silently

He didn't raise me, my mother did while he was boozing and hiking skirts up with his friends

"I am no man....but I must portray one" I say under my breath causing my mother's head to shoot up and she looks at me with fear for me

"What did you say boy" My father says furiously as he stands up but I remain seated

"I said I am no man.....I portray the image that you insist I do" I say angrily as I stand up from my seat now with my anger rising

"You speak to me as a man....but want to be a can not have both" My father seethes as he slowly walk over to me

"Isn't that how I was raised father" I say looking at my father who is now close to my face, my father grabs my arm harshly before pulling me closer to him

I can smell the wine he was drinking on his breath as his eyes turn a cold black but I remain fearless

"Listen good...boy.....I am the man of the house no matter where you are....remember you are always below me....Your an abomination to god himself and it is my responsibility to make you into what you were created for and that is to be a man and have a wife and children" He shouts in my face

"I will always be a better man then you" I say through gritted teeth, my father let's go of me with a shove before backing up slowly while eyeing me

His gaze leaves me for a spit second as I feel the tension building

I stare at him angrily but soon my father turns around and punches me hard causing me to fall into the table and my chair before hitting the floor hard face first

"Oh my gosh....RICHARD!" My mother yells as she goes to check on me but I crawl away from her

"Watch your tone Annabelle...the boy needs to learn....clean up this mess before I get home" My father says before storming out the house

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