Chapter Thirteen🕊📝

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Stand by me by Ben E King

I stand in a separate room in the Dickinson home feeling my whole body vibrate with nerves, I can't seem to shake them even with my sadness being present too

I adjust my neck tie as it begins to get hot in the room and the walls feel like their closing in slight

I adjust my neck tie as it begins to get hot in the room and the walls feel like their closing in slight

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Kingsley's wedding suit^^^^

I try breathing in and out to try and calm my body down that is now trembling, is this how my father felt before-

No....he barely loves my mother...god I'll see them again after months, I'm not ready...I haven't been ready for much since I left home

"Knock knock" I hear causing me to turn around and see Austin and Edward walking in, I smile at them as they chuckle

"Look at him, he's nervous as can be" Austin teases causing me to laugh and shake my head

"I am....I never realized I'd be nervous to see my family" I say and Edward frowns slightly

"Your family?...I thought you were nervous to marry Emily" He asks confused and I look at him with a fake smile

"I could never be nervous to marry someone I've grown, but my family and I have a...complicated relationship" I say and Edward smiles sadly

"Well you are a resilient young will make it through...but I must go see Emily...and try to not shed a tear" Edward says causing Austin and i to laugh

"Thank you Mr.Dickinson" I say and he just nods before walk out, I turn to Austin who smiles at me like a proud brother which is oddly comforting

I had a brother but he was killed while my parents were in slavery still, I wish I met him especially since I got my name from him....Charles

"You look so....beautiful...unless you don't like that then...your a very handsome woman" He says causing me to laugh and he does the same

"Thanks Austin...I needed a laugh and I prefer handsome oddly enough but...beautiful isn't off the table" I say and Austin nods and taps the side of his head as if saying he'll remember that

I sigh as I sit down on the chair nearby and run my hand over my face, I have to fix my face to not make it seem like I'm miserable which I'm not but I am

I don't need my father questioning if I'm being a good husband and man, but I can't bare standing next to Emily knowing she's probably staring at Sue

"You still upset with my sister" Austin asks after a bit of silence, I look up at him and he gives me a look to not lie causing me to sigh

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