Chapter Fifteen🕊📝

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Arcade by Duncan Laurence

I stare at Emily with my arms crossed as she sighs and looks up at me with slightly softened eyes

"Kingsley....I didn't expect to be in bed with was not planned and I didn't mean to put it in your face like that especially since I had picked up on your growing feelings for me" Emily starts but I stop her

"Don't....I-I'm only upset because I can't have you..and I'm jealous that Sue can..but one thing that gets me is that you didn't even have the decency to tell me about you and Sue beforehand...I had to figure it out on my own" I argue and Emily sighs

"Kingsley I didn't want to talk about it! And I didn't really try to hide it from you with it being obvious...Sue made it obvious before I could say anything" Emily argues back

"But I didn't want my suspicions to be right!....I mean at our engagement party you two were dancing and I...." I say but stop as I feel myself getting more upset, I pinch the bridge of my nose as Emily rubs my arm

"You what Kingsley" She says and I sigh as I let go of my nose and look at her

"I tripped off the drugs and...I never felt that much pain...what you haven't gotten Emily is that your turning into my first love....and it basically started when I first saw you...I couldn't take my eyes off you but ...when you said you love woman I knew I couldn't have you the way I want" I say and Emily looks at me with sad eyes

"Ho-How do you want me" She asks softly and I look at her confused

"Does it matter!...your just gonna go back to Sue" I say as I turn away causing Emily to sigh in frustration

"I don't want Sue! Kingsley I can't say that I feel the same way about you but I don't want Sue either...yes her and I had a relationship but it stopped when she chose my brother and I know it's messed up, trust me I figured it out but...I can't lose you, not over this and not ever" She says as she rubs my back

I melt into her touch as I try to hold back from just kissing her right now, I grab onto the weaved sides of the air balloon basket harshly to hold back

"Kingsley what you don't get is while I don't feel those..feelings for you....I have grown to care about you....deeply..and so quickly that is scares me...I'm so curious about you that it makes me go insane...I wish more than anything that you were a woman because I'd be the luckiest girl in the world....but I gained a best friend instead" Emily explains and I feel tears ready to fall and I feel my chest slowly start to tighten

Emily starts rubbing my back up and down with one hand while the other caresses my waist

"Kingsley...what is this extra layer right here" Emily asks causing me to pull away from her touch

"It's nothing" I say dismissively and Emily huffs

"Kingsley I'm tired of secrets....we're married now so that means that any secrets that could come out I need to know so we can protect each other" Emily says angrily causing me to look at her with soft eyes that are slowly turning red due to my tears and fear

"I....I can't tell you....I'm...I'm scared" I say and Emily cups my face but I removed her hands as my breathing becomes heavier

"Kingsley please breath" Emily says as I feel myself getting lightheaded and my heart racing from all the emotion changes and the fear of her finding out

"I...Emily I...I'm sorry" I say as I try to collect myself, Emily grabs my head and puts our foreheads together as she rubs the back of my head and puts her other hand on my chest

"I'm right here....put your hand over my heart" Emily says and I do as she says without argument this time

"Breath with me" She says and I nod before following her breathing, I feel my heart rate go down steadily till it's back to normal

I look up at Emily with our heads still together, I feel myself ready to kiss Emily but she pulls away and sighs

"The uh...air balloon will land soon...are you ok" She asks and I nod before look away awkwardly, the air balloon lands and we get on horseback and ride back to the house

I see some of the guests still outside socializing and some going in and out of the house, I hop off the horse and help Emily down by holding her hips and setting her grown on the ground

"Now...let's go in here and act like the happiest couple" I say sarcastically and Emily sighs

"Try not to say it so bitterly" She replies causing me to scoff

"Whatever....just want to avoid my father....confronting him earlier was a bad idea" I say as we walk towards the house with our arms linked, I wave to guests and thank them for coming as does Emily

"Well I'll stay by your side as much as I can....he won't hurt you like I said before" She says and I sigh

"Thank you...but I won't let him hurt or bother you either" I say as we walk into the house, I feel Emily's eyes land on me but keep my eyes trained on the room

I seen my mother and Mrs.Dickinson talking pleasantly along with Maggie while Mr.Dickinson and Austin talking with more guests

"My father is missing....I don't like that" I say nervously and Emily cups my face and forces me to look at her

"Kingsley calm down....he could be in the bathroom or outside, you don't know" She insists and I nod as we walk further into the room

We start mingling with guests with some questioning us on how we met and some just being very disrespectful to Emily or i which didn't end good for them

I hold Emily close to me with her back against my front, I hold her waist as we talk to her parents and my mother

I can't help but notice how touchy she is suddenly, she's even letting me have her this close but I don't want to get my hopes up

She probably is putting up a front for the guests

"Kingsley you must be so thankful to be apart of a big family now" A man says and I frown slightly

"Yes I am but why do you say that" I ask confused and I see my mother shift in her spot uncomfortably

"Well you only have your you have siblings or any family out of slavery" The man asks causing all of us to get quiet

"I uh...I'm an only child and I don't have much family but I made more today" I say trying not to go off

I feel Emily caress my hands on her waist and my mother rubs my back, just as the man goes to say something else I feel a sharp tug on my arm causing me to look over to see my father who is very drunk

"Son we need to talk business privately" He says and I see his lips are a tint of red causing me to clench my jaw slightly

"Dad...can't this wait till after" I ask and my fathers grip tightens causing me to hold back a hiss, his nails digging into my arm more, the longer I keep him waiting

"'s..quite urgent" My father says and I nod before kissing Emily's head as she tries to pull me back but I shake my head no

I follow my father to Mr.Dickinson's office and watch as he closes the door before looking at me with an angry smile

" fucked up boy" He says through gritted teeth, the crazy smile still on his face, I gulp slightly as I stare at him disappointedly

A/n welp....I hate Kingsley's dad


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