Chapter Twenty-Six🕊📝

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Copycat by Billie Eillish

I clench my jaw as Austin puts his glass down and clears his throat before looking at his father

"You know Dad....I'm proud of you" Austin says in a condescending voice and the table goes silent

"And what are you on about Austin...tell me" Edward says annoyed as he leans back in his seat, I feel my heart race as flashes of my father comes into my head but I shake them off

"I'm just sharing my gratitude...I mean you gave your firm to your "son" in law....instead of me when I asked....and on top of helped find Mrs.Daytona get a Virginia...when I've been struggling with money...and now your in office...fighting for what's right...but your not nearly as good of a man as you portray" Austin rants causing my eyes to widen

"AUSTIN!" Mrs.Dickinson yells causing her son to glare at her but turn back to his father

"Austin your drunk....we will talk when your sober" Edward says but Austin chuckles bitterly

"You know...I find it funny that you...hated, Kingsley when he got here but...just because she helped get your firm in a good love her dearly" Austin says and I feel my heart drop to my ass

"She?! Now I know your not in the right state of mind" Edward says as I look to Emily feeling terrified, she grabs my hand and looks at me just as scared

"Yea she....he is a she....ask her dad...oh wait....he mysteriously disappeared" Austin says as he looks from Edward to me

I glare at him angrily and ball my fist

"Austin my father is none of your concern...he and my mother divorced and that's all...your father has been more respectful of me than he could have been and I'm not the reasons you are struggling so don't take it out on me" I say through gritted teeth

"Oh...well why haven't we seen your father in a year Kingsley" Austin asks antagonistically

Gilded Lily starts playing.........

"Austin that's've ruined dinner and for what!?...bitterness?" Mrs.Dickinson says before getting up and walking off, I do the same with Emily following me to the living room

"No don't run Kingsley....this whole family wants to know the real you...tell them...tell them you are a woman....your father is missing but your not the least bit worried...tell them you've been lying to them and Emily!" Austin yells behind me

I turn around and go to say something but Edward interrupts

"Austin that's enough....your drinking has gotten out of control...I won't let you do this are ruining your life" Edward says worriedly but the base in his voice it coming to the surface

"Oh no need to be've already done it for me" Austin says with his arms out 

"You will stop stop this right now" Edward yells before slamming his hand in the piano causing Emily and Lavinia to jump, I feel a hand clutching mine causing me to look over and see Emily holding into me

I look up at her and she's looking at her dad with an expression I've seen before

"Why don't you come over here and hit me....hit me like you used to hit her" Austin says as he points to Emily

I feel my whole body grow cold as I look to my wife and see her face lit up with hurt and tears threatening to come out

"Austin!" Emily whispers out, tears starting to stream down her face

"We all knew..Dad's not a good man and you know that Emily....we also knew about you and Sue too...why do you think mom wanted you to be with a suitor so badly" Austin confesses as he take a drink

Emily looks at me and I can see in her eyes that it's true, I ball my fists angrily after letting go of Emily

"I didn't know...I didn't know anything of this" I say in a soft yet angry voice, I look up from the floor and to Edward who looks a little scared

"Kingsley I-

"You helped my my gave me...everything..but hit my wife!" I say as I stalk towards Edward who isn't backing away but is standing in unsteady legs

"Kingsley it was a little moment of-

"When was the last time you did it" I yell at him, the veins in my neck and hands showing violently

"Kingsley please" Mrs.Dickinson says causing me to look at her and a flash of betrayal washing over my face, she knew he hit her!

"When!" I yell towards her parents who's faces change at my tone

"Election Day....she talked about being published and I-

Before Edward can speak again, I rush toward him with my fist cocked back and ready to break his jaw but Emily and Lavinia pull me back with all their strength

"Kingsley no! Please don't, it's nothing" Emily leads causing me to stop and look at her

"Nothing! It's NOTHING!" I yell causing her to look at me with hurt in her eyes, I look to Sue and she's still frozen in her spot

"Now that we are all being honest..minus Kingsley....I'm divorcing you Susan...and I'm taking full custody of the child" Austin says and i scoff before storming out with Emily yelling after me

"Charlotte please let's talk" Emily yells as we get to our house, I don't speak but open the door and just stop at the stairs

I breath in and out heavily with my lungs struggling to work, I feel a hand in my back and just sigh into Emily's touch but my hurt hasn't left

"Why...why didn't you tell me he hits you" I cry as I turn to Emily who's crying as well, she fumbles over her words while looking everywhere but me

" should have told me" I plead angrily and desperately, I run my hands through my hair as I just look around in shock

"I couldn't! I knew you'd be so mad and try to do something and I can't have your career ruined because of me" Emily says and I scoff

"You think I care about a career! think I'll care about a job when my wife is being hurt by her own father!" I yell causing Emily to pull me close as she cries harder

"I'm sorry" Emily pleads and I sniffle before pulling her head into my chest, I let out a heavy sigh as tears stream down my face

"Don't apologize...don't ever apologize my love...he's the one who needs to apologize not's not your fault....I just wish I could have protected you" I say in between sobs and I stroke Emily's hair

"You can't always protect me" Emily says and I feel my heart clench at the thought, I don't respond but hold her closer to me as if I'm gonna lose her

A/n damn...that was a mess lol also I hate to assassinate Austin being that big brother to Kingsley but he did go downhill in season three so I have too which sucks but...that's life


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