Chapter Seven🕊📝

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Bones by Imagine Dragons

I sigh as I walk out with Austin behind me, I walk to my horse and rubs his back and his mane with a slight smile before adjusting the saddle

"You know Kingsley...your a mystery to me" I hear Austin say behind me causing me to look over my shoulder

"What do you mean by that Austin" I ask in an exhaustion, I can't deal with anymore family issues

"You have been here one day....and you got my sister to be happy about being married" He says as he mounts his horse and I do the same with mine

"I didn't do that because she-

I stop myself from speaking further as I look from my horse to Austin who looks curious as to what I was going to say

"What's is it Kingsley" He asks and I sigh as I maneuver my horse to face the trial nearby

"Just....Emily has her own mind, I can not control her actions...I'm simply being the man I have to be' I say as my horse walks ahead slightly with Austin's horse catching up to us so he's beside me

"But have changed her in such a short period of did you do that" He asks intrigued

"I listen to her....I let her speak and I open my ears to what she needs and wants...and I do as such" I say with a smile, imagining Emily and i's talk and her smile appearing in flashes in my head

I look over to Austin who has a slight smile on his face as we trot side by side, our bodies moving back and forth due to our horses and the gravel below us

"I...I misjudged you" He says and I frown a bit

"For what reasons did you misjudged my character" I say as I clench my jaw slightly causing Austin to sigh

"Not for the reasons you think" He explains but I stop him with my hand

"I'm used to being judged off of appearances.....been a constant I deal with..but I promise you, I won't let it hurt Emily" I say and Austin smiles slightly at me

"As sweet as that is and I appreciate hearing that....I didn't judge you on your skin color Kingsley...I've seen men try to woo my sisters with sleazy lines and empty I thought you were like those men...Emily has been able to pick up on those tricks so she rejected all of them...but you....she's drawn to you like flies to honey" He says causing me to smile a bit, my heart warming at the statement

"I want my sister happy no matter what...she is a special one...and judging by your words intend to treat her as such" Austin finishes, I look at him confused as he just smirks back at me

"You heard me earlier...I apologize for my word towards your mother if they came out offencive-

"No did what I would do for Sue against anyone...defend her..I was quite impressed as no one stands up to my mother but my father" He says and I sigh in relief

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