Chapter Five🕊📝

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Boyfriend by Dove Cameron

I wake up to the sun beaming into the room, I sigh and try to sit up but I look down to see Emily laying on my shoulder with her leg around my waist

Dangerous close to me crotch

My eyes widen as I look around for some way to not wake her but to get out of this situation since I can tell I have some morning arousal due to a dream I had about Emily last night

I raise my arm and cradle her head into my hands before laying it down on her pillow, I sit up and remove myself from our bed and start to rest her leg back down softly, my hand lightly caressing her leg

I hear her hum in her sleep causing me to look over and see her eyes are slowly opening causing me to immediately put her leg down and turn away

"Good morning sunshine" I say and she smiles

"Good morning solider....didn't know your other arm would salute back to me" Emily says causing my eyes to widen and I immediately grab my jacket from last night to cover myself

"I-I will freshen up...and we can uh...what do we do today" I ask and before Emily can respond, her door opens to reveal her brother and Sue

"Hey- Oh" Austin says as he looks down at me covering my downstairs and let's out a chuckle

"Wow...already? said that it's wedding planning day so get dressed...both of you" He says before walking off

"Thanks Austin" Emily says sarcastically as she huffs and gets up while Sue stares between both of us

"Emily I was wondering if we could get ready together this morning...I can help you pick an outfit...and avoid your mother asking me about children again" Sue says causing Emily to giggle

"Sure Sue....uh Kingsley...can you get ready in the bathroom" Emily asks and I nod nervously as feelings of jealousy boil up in my chest

Sue gets to see all of Emily....and I can't....wait no no no Charlotte no

"Ok...uh...I'll see you ladies downstairs" I say before going to the dressers and gathering my clothes, I remove my coat from the previous day away from my downstairs before replacing it with my clothing

I look up and see Sue staring intently at me, I awkwardly brush past her with Emily laughing at me

I sigh heavily ad I walk out and close the door, I lean against it and close my eyes with embarrassment filling my entire body

" are already whipped" I hear causing me to open my eyes and see Austin looking at me amused before walking downstairs

I sigh as I feel my cheeks get hotter

This is already going SOOOO well


I try to control my laughter as Sue gets my clothes out for me to choose, Kingsley is so nerdy it's almost hilarious if not a little cute

He's like....there's something about him I can't quite put my finger on, he didn't notice but I noticed his chest is not perfectly flat like a man's chest is

It could be muscle but...I felt a strange little lump near his collarbone which has me wondering what he looks like with his shirt off

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