Chapter Four🕊📝

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Wicked Games by Raign

I clear my throat before sitting up tall, hearing my father's words sounding off in my head, I blink hard to get them to stop but thankfully Edward speaks

"Shall we all say Grace" He says as every takes each other's hands, I take Emily's and smile slightly before taking who I assume is her sister

I look up to see Sue staring at me and something about her stare felt off to me, I duck my head and close my eyes as Edward begins to pray

But I open my eyes again, I have been to many dinner where the white guest have clutched knifes closely with some trying to kill me while prayer is being said

I look up and see Sue still staring in my vicinity, I followed her eyes and they are on Emily and i's connected hands

I frown my eyebrows as the prayer ends and we let go of each other's hands but my hand never leaves Emily's

"Kingsley....Kingsley...uh Kingsley" I faintly hear as my thoughts run wild, does Sue have feelings for she the girl Emily talked about earlier

"Sir Kingsley" I hear a stern voice say causing me to look up swiftly

"Oh...I apologize was I out of it for a minute" I ask even though I know I was

" daughter was calling you" Edward says with a tone I don't like, I look over to Emily who is staring at me with concern

"Yes Emily" I ask softly

"Your can let go of my hand now" She says causing me to look from her beautiful face to my hand that is still holding hers

"Oh...I-I'm sorry" I say letting go of her hand, I feel my hand suddenly feel cold and lonely causing me to sigh

No feelings...just friends..what is going on with me

"So Kingsley...your mother and father had told us you plan on joining Edwards that true" Mrs.Dickinson asks as we all start eating

"Uh yes...I have a bit of experience in law and I'd love to join my future father in law in his business...I've also heard great things about the firm" I say sickening sweet as I try to kiss ass as much as I can

"Well aren't you a charmer....but if you would join my firm, you'd be working hard...I will never give handouts" Edward says with little emotion as he eats his food without looking at me

"I would never do less than I'm capable of" I say with a bit of attitude causing Edward to look up from his food to me, he leans back into his chair and looks at me with challenge present

"Oh is that so?....well I have heard many things about your...lack of capability to do anything...and your lack of respect" He says causing me to take a second to look away before looking back at Edward

The table goes quiet as I try my best to bite my tongue

"What is your source....sir" I say as respectfully as I can

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