Chapter Eight🕊📝

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Look what you made me do by Taylor Swift

I walk into the Dickinson home with Austin and Edward as they chat about today's workload but my mind is on Emily, I can't shake what I'm has to be something that isn't romantic feelings because it's way too soon

"But...good work today Kingsley...I expect the same thing don't we talk about the wedding" Edward asks but I smile and politely shake my head

"Thank you sir...and uh...I'd actually like to check in on Emily before dinner" I say and Edward looks at me and looks suddenly uncomfortable

"Oh...ok well...just be down so that we can have a chat at dinner" He says before walking off, Austin looks at me with a comical expression before walking off with his father

I sigh before walking upstairs, I knock on Emily and i's shared room before entering to see her writing at her desk, I smile a bit and go to step out but Emily's words stop me

"Your words to my mother were uncalled for" She says causing me to frown before walking back into the room and looking at her confused

"What do you mean" I ask as I close the door behind me, Emily huffs before turning around to me with a scowl on her face

"I mean telling he that if she didn't obey your words than she is not invited to my wedding...I want my mother there" Emily says and I laugh a bit

"I never said she had to obey me...that word does not belong in my vocabulary and i only said that she respect your wishes...she had not right to tell you what you can and can't wear to your own wedding" I say and Emily sighs

"But that's the thing.....I know she doesn't but yelling at her was not necessary....I think you should apologize" She says and scoff at this

"I will not apologize for defending my wife...if you are not used to anyone defending you then just say that Emily" I say and Emily stands up quickly and marches over to me

"I am not your wife!...not yet and I get that you defended me but keep in mind that you are on thin ice with everyone in this house but me and Lavinia...I can't lose you because you want to establish yourself as a good man to me" She says and I immediately calm down

"I will always defend you....but I understand your reasoning....I'm not leaving...we're suited already" I say and Emily sighs and run her hands over her face in frustration

"They can call it off at any time....they can ship you off or worse if you defy them any more than you have Kingsley" she says and I frown

"Emily....I have heard many things about you and one to go by the rules and by the book is not what I defy rules and do your own thing...why can't I" I say and she groans in frustration

"Because I could lose someone I care about! Someone who can help me....a new friend who gets me and understands me...respects me...I can't lose you, how do you not listen to me but right now your doing what ever other man has done to me....ignore my words for their own thoughts" Emily yells and I step back a bit

"I'm sorry..I...come here" I say as I can tell some tears are threatening to come out of her eyes, she rushes into my arms and I hold her close to my body and run my hands through her hair causing her bum to come undone

"I won't leave matter matter any force or any universal'll have me always" I say as I stare ahead at the mirror

I move my hand to the middle of her waist and hold onto her tighter, my fingers turning from flat to curled, this is has to be, not love or any feelings of romance

I am a man...she is a woman..who's loves woman...I am not to be with her romantically

"Don't leave" Emily says into my shoulder

"I won' long as you want me around I will be around" I say before kissing the top of her head causing her to sigh in content

We sway back and forth as we just enjoy the embrace we are in, I feel safe with her in my arms, I need her to remain in my arms no matter the nature of our relationship...I need Emily Dickinson


I need Kingsley Daytona

A/n aww they need each other...and it's been a day lmao


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