Chapter Nineteen🕊📝

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AfterLife by the beautiful one herself, Hailee Steinfeld

I arrive to my house and hop off of my horse, I put him in the stables before walking to my in-laws home

I knock on the door that swiftly opens to reveal Lavinia, she immediately pulls me into the house and bear hugs me

"Oh thank the lord your injured?...I can't have you need anything?" She says as she checks me for injury causing me to laugh as Mrs.Dickinson and Mr.Dickinson walk out of their rooms and down the stairs

"Your back!...You ok sweetheart" Mrs.Dickinson asks and I smile

"Yes I'm is my uh father is out of town and she needed me to go to help with some things for safety' I lie causing my in laws to sigh in relief

"Oh that's great...Emily is in her room...she'd be happy to see you" Mr.Dickinson says and I nod before hugging the Dickinson women and shaking Edward's hand with Mrs.Dickinson saying she made my favorite and it's in the kitchen

I thank her and walk upstairs and carefully open Emily and i's old room door, I see her writing vigorously on her paper causing me to smile

"I'm home darling" I say out of breath causing Emily to jump and drop her feather onto the desk

"Oh Kingsley...oh thank god" She says as a wide smile spreads on her face before she runs up to me and hugs me tightly, I hold Emily close as I feel the weight of everything hitting me suddenly

The shock coming down

"You your mother ok" Emily asks and I sigh as tears come down my face, Emily holds me closer as we embrace closer than ever

"She-she's fine...just..just hold me" I say and I feel Emily nod on my shoulder as she starts rubbing my back and leaving a kiss on my cheek

We stand in this embrace for a long time...I never want it to end....I want this comfort forever...I hope for a love that I my mother deserved

My mothers words ring in my head and I tense up a bit causing Emily's hand on my waist to start moving back and forth

Later that night

I sneak down the stairs of my home with my poem in hand, I didn't want to wake Kingsley since I got her to sleep finally

She's so cute but I'm also sad for her, something happened while she was at her mothers that was really bad and it breaks my heart to see her like that

I open the door to her office, she calls it ours but I like to think of it as hers since it has so many books and pictures of her and her mother as well as our wedding picture on the wall

I walk to her desk and look at the poem I wrote for her, I sigh nervously before setting it down on her desk

I haven't done this since Sue....I hope this is a good decision

I cup my hand before walking out hastily and closing the door to the office cause it to slam, I hear a shout from upstairs causing me to run upstairs where Kingsley meets me at the door to our bedroom

She's holding her pistol in hand, her boots are on but her pants and shirt are not, we both sigh heavily as we acknowledge each other

"Gosh...Emily what are you doing up...I thought you were hurt or someone broke in" She says as she goes back into our room and puts her gun back

"I went to do something downstairs" I say vaguely causing her to look at me curiously

"Doing what" Kingsley asks and I smile

"You'll find out tomorrow" I say cheekily and Kingsley smiles before shaking her head

"This better not be a joke your pulling...but let's get some rest, your friends are coming over and I have to make food" She says and I roll my eyes

"You don't have too....I can do it" I say and Kingsley laughs at this causing me to frown

"I'm sorry darling but...your not touching anything in the kitchen" She says causing my jaw to drop while Kingsley just lays back down

"Huh....your so rude" I say with a pout and crossing my arms, I hear a sigh before feeling arms pull me toward the bed

I squeal out as Kingsley pulls me into her, her front against my back

"Stop pouting...and let me do this for you and your friends" Kingsley says and I sigh

"Fine...but I'm helping" I insist but Kingsley shakes her head

" kick your feet up like a good little man while I be a good housewife" She says dramatically causing us to laugh

"Absolutely not" I reject causing us to laugh harder

"Ok ok...that was disgusting....but if you want to help you can...but I'm doing a majority of it" Kingsley insists and I back down this time

"Ok....your such a good'd I get so lucky" I say as I turn to Kingsley and see her beautiful smile

"I ask myself that everyday....I'm truly the lucky one" She says before kissing my cheek and laying down, her hands on my waist moving slightly causing my head to spin a little

"Goodnight my favorite poet" Kingsley says and I smile before putting my hand over hers, feeling her cold ring against my hand

"Goodnight my strong solider" I say in a whisper as I feel her breath on my neck, I sigh and move closer to her before getting comfortable in bed

I shut my eyes with a smile slowly creeping up in my face at the thought of tomorrow being different

For us

A/n yuhhhhh get into it...heheehehehehe


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