Chapter Ten🕊📝

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Hey Brother by Avicii

I get off my horse feeling excited for later today, I went to the sight of Emily and I's wedding as well as checking up with our house construction and making sure that there's a desk in our room as well as a study for Emily and I

I walk up to the door and open it to see Austin, Lavinia and Emily dancing happily causing me to smile a bit

"Uh...what's going on here" I ask causing the three siblings to stop and smile towards me

"Well dear sister in law...we are throwing a party in you and Emily's honor...Emily is only happy because she's bored and has an idea" Austin says and I raise my eyebrow towards my fiancé

"What is your idea...I know it can only be mischievous" I say and Emily smiles slightly at me before pulling me over to her and grabbing my hand and I feel my heart flutter

"We are going to take drops of opium, my mother has been using for her eyes....and we're going to have a wild night" She says as she holds up the small bottle, my eyes widen as I look from it to her

"Your insane.....but I'm so in" I say seriously at first causing her smile to fade but a smile creeps up on my face causing hers to return

"Great! I've already invited all of our friends so they can meet you Kingsley...dress to impress" Austin says before rushing out of the house, presumably to get dressed

"I'm going to get ready...I want to impress this guy that's two...dress to show off your union" Lavinia says causing us to laugh a bit

Lavinia looks over her shoulder dramatically before taking off to her room, I look to Emily and she's already smiling at me

"So...the house is coming along great and the wedding planning is essentially done...all of your family is invited...and mine" I say with the last part being more quiet

"Your family will not bother you...I'll make sure of's about us and our union" Emily says with her saying union in a comedic way causing us both to laugh

"Well....I feel safe with you so all that matters is that I'm with you" I say causing Emily so smile

"Good....but why are you so nervous to take your clothes off in front of me if your so safe around me" She responds causing me to freeze up a bit and my hands to sweat slightly

"Well....I..I- I have some issues with my body..there I admit it" I say in an amused tone causing Emily to look at me with a playful smile

"Oh really......your body feels fine to me...and really strong, damn" Emily says as she let's go of my hand, her hand trials down the middle of my chest causing my breathing to increase as her fingers stop at my stomach

"I appreciate that...but your not seeing me prefer boobs" I say before walking up the stairs leaving her frozen in her spot

"Wait that's not fair....don't run from me Kingsley" Emily yells after me as she chases me up the stairs

don't run from me Kingsley" Emily yells after me as she chases me up the stairs ~~~~~~~~~~

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