Chapter Eleven🕊📝

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Baby love by the Supremes

I groan as I rub my eyes and take a deep breath, my vision clears and I see I'm in Emily and i's room causing me to sigh in relief

I look around me to see I'm in the floor, I sit up slowly and look up in the bed to see Emily and Sue cuddling

I swallow thickly as I get up and feel my chest tighten, I see Emily being held by Sue...her head in Sue's neck as Sue's hand rests on Emily's hip and head

I tear my eyes away and rush to my dresser and get my clothes, I slam the dresser closed unconsciously causing the girls to jump up in fear

"What the- Kingsley?...what was that" Sue asks as Emily looks around and sees where she is and who's arms she's in

She looks up at me and I look at her coldly before shaking my head and looking to Sue

"I apologize...just closed the drawer a little to hard on my way to the bathroom...good morning Sue....Emily" I say before rushing out of the room

I shut the door and a tear falls from my eye as I stare at my hand that's squeezing the life out of the doorknob

"You ok Kingsley darling" I hear causing me to look over and see Maggie, I wipe my face quickly and smile towards her as I adjust my clothes in my hand

"Oh uh...Good morning Maggie...I'm fine...why you ask" I say and Maggie smiles at me before looking side to side and walking close to me

"I washed your chest wraps....privately of course" She says as she hands me my freshly clean war wrap

My eyes widen as I look from her hand to her face, Maggie just smiles and puts her finger to her lips before walking downstairs

I huff as I feel fear but also relief at the fact that she knows, I mean what did I expect

She does the laundry

I sigh and go into the bathroom and bathe myself before getting dressed and walking out to see Austin standing there smiling ear to ear

I sigh and go into the bathroom and bathe myself before getting dressed and walking out to see Austin standing there smiling ear to ear

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Kingsley's outfit^^

"Good morning Kingsley" Austin says mischievously causing me to raise my eyebrow

"Good morning to you Austin....what's on your mind" I say and he puts his hand on my shoulder and pulls me closer

"I know one will know" He says before leaning back, I feel my heart drop as he gives me a comforting smile

" did you-

"You told me last the were out of your mind on the opium and ran away...I went after you and you spilled everything...I will keep quiet as long as your heart" He says and i frown a bit

"What do you mean Austin and thank you so much for not saying a thing....I haven't even told Emily...only you and Maggie know" I say as I look back and forth for anyone listening

"Emily and Sue....set you off last night....just dread lightly with how you feel about Emily..she thinks your a man so...things are different especially considering Sue...protect yourself" He says and I nod in understanding

Austin pats my arm before walking to the stairs but he stops

"Oh....and please...never get me confused with my sister again" Austin says before walking off

I chuckle and shake my head as I look down but the sound of a door opening catches my attention, I look up to see Emily and Sue walking out of the room awkwardly

I drop my smile and look at them both with cold stares

"Kingsley I-

"I'll be working in the fields to upkeep the landscape then I'll be in the kitchen helping Maggie till Mr and Mrs.Dickinson return....I'll talk to you later" I say before taking off down the stairs

I hold back my tears as I walk out of the house and head to the back of the house to do the yard work

I wasn't joking but....I needed to get away


I feel my heart race as I watch Kingsley walk away from me in a hurry, I know he has feelings for me but I didn't mean to rub it in his face that I am not interested in him...well men

He's different I just can't stop the thoughts of him being a woman, I've had dreams of him being something different...his body being hidden from me doesn't help

"Emily....Emily you ok' I hear Sue says and I look at her, my feelings for Sue are going away slowly but it feels like hers are growing

"Sue we can't cuddle like we did last night anymore" I say and Sue looks at me with hurt in her eyes

"Why not....I thought we had a moment last before...just like we were" She says and I look away from her

"I know but...I don't want to hurt Kingsley" I say and Sue looks at me as if she's realized something

"What" I ask confused and Sue just shakes her head

"You have completely forgotten your feelings for me....and moved on to him...I'm done" Sue says before walking down the stairs without another word

I watch her as I feel my emotions getting overwhelming, I hurt Sue..I hurt Kingsley, what is going on

Hurt is the power given by others

I shut my eyes and repeat that line in my head over and over, I sigh before turning to my room and walking in

I shut my door and sit at my desk and pull out my paper and ink my feather before writing down what I just thought about

More words continue to come to mind and my hand writes with it

Hurting people isn't something I when did I start

A/n welp lol


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