Chapter Twenty-Five📝🕊

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Breakin Dishes by Rihanna
1 year after confessing

I walk into the Dickinson home with Emily as we greet her parents and Maggie at the door, I shake Edward's hand before hugging Mrs.Dickinson and Maggie

"Oh it feels like an eternity since you both have been over" Maggie says as she pulls away from her and Emily's hug

"Well we have been busy...being with each other...Kingsley working and my poems" Emily says dreamily as she smiles and looks from Maggie to me

"I'd say it's been bliss" I say before kissing Emily and hearing a bunch of awes from the three older people next to us

"Move Emily, I want to greet my husband" Lavinia says as she rushes towards me, I chuckle as I pull her into a hug and Emily scoffs

"He is mine Lavinia...but I missed you" Emily complains before pulling her sister into a hug, I chuckle and look over to see Sue and Austin sitting awkwardly in the living room

A cup of wine in Austin's hand and Sue's eyes firmly on Emily as we walk into the living room

"Austin...Sue...nice to see you both" I say since Emily just cuddles into me further, I know she doesn't want to speak to either of them which is fair but I can't stay silent when walking into another's home

"'s everything...your mother doing well" Austin asks in a condescending voice causing me to bite my tongue on what I want to say

"Good....she's with her family in's your son" I ask with a sickeningly sweet smile and I see Austin's jaw clench up a bit

"He's great...thanks" He says and I sigh before sitting down with Emily sitting on my lap , I see Sue's gaze burn into us as her tired eyes become more visible to me

"Well....Maggie and Emily have prepared a dish for us tonight, and Kingsley I heard that this dish is one of your mothers" Edward says pointing to Maggie and his wife causing me to smile

"Yes it's one she learned a young girl" I say not wanting to mention where my mother learned how to cook

"Well I bet it is delicious" He replies and I smile slightly

"Based off how it smells...I'm hungry so is it almost done" Emily says causing me to chuckle

"Patience Emily...the dish takes time" Mrs.Dickinson says and Emily sighs and leans into me more

"So Kingsley....have you gotta your war draft" Austin asks and I look at him slightly annoyed

"Austin! This dinner is to bring joy for your fathers birthday not despair" Mrs.Dickinson scolds but her son's eyes never leave mine

" hasn't and I hope to not be apart of the select few" I say in a polite tone but Austin just sips his wine

"How's your father Kingsley-

"Austin that's enough!" Emily says angrily just as Maggie comes back into the room

"Dinner is on the table and ready" Maggie says and I put my hands on Emily's waist and stand up with her, I lean down to her ear and kiss it before whispering into it

"Don't let him ruin the night or worry you...I have news for you once we are home" I say causing Emily to look at me confused but I just smile down at her and grab her hand

"But what is it-

"Patience'll get it soon" I say as I kiss her knuckles and pull her with me to the dinning room, we sit in our seats with me in between Emily and Lavinia

I avoid Sue's gaze as we all take each other's hands and pray before digging into the food, I take a bite and hum happily and feel my heart warm

"You did amazing with replicating the recipe...makes me miss my mother even more" I say happily as I continue digging in like it's my last meal

"Slow down Kingsley, you'll choke" Emily says causing the table to laugh and I come up for air

"I'm hungry" I say pouting toward my wife causing everyone to laugh and I look at them confused

"I'm happy to know we did it right.....oh dear...your adorable Kingsley" Mrs.Dickinson says as she looks up in surprise and gestures to her face with a smile

I frown and feel my face but feel nothing, I look to my wife increasingly confused and she sighs before grabbing a napkin and wiping my face like I'm a child

"Your face is so greasy Kingsley..have some decorum" Emily says laughing causing me to laugh

"Says the one that showed up to my office with ink all over her face" I say and Emily laughs and rolls her eyes playfully

Emily finishes with cleaning me up and we all start talking about Edwards election since I missed it, as we talk, my eyes meet Austin's and he looks out of it with Sue eating silently beside him

He's drunk

Austin and I make eye contact and Austin just smirks at me causing my heart to drop, what is he planning

A/n haahahaha welp.....yuh


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