Chapter Twenty-Four📝🕊

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I wanna be yours by Arctic Monkeys

I hold Emily close as we lay in our bed, I breath heavily as I look around our room that looks very messy and is as disheveled as us

" really....are good at that" Emily whispers out causing me to smile

"So are you darling....but uh...thank you for calling me Charlotte" I say with a slight smile on my face, Emily giggles and looks up at me as she runs her flingers along my collarbone slowly and softly

"Is Charlotte an alter ego of yours....because I like it" She says and I smile and chuckle with her

" a way it is....but it's a the real me, I wanna be my full self with you" I say and Emily smiles at me happily

"I'm thankful to be a person you feel safe with....because I feel the same towards you..Charlotte " Emily says

I smile and tilt her chin towards me and kiss Emily tenderly, she sighs and cups my face before deepening the kiss

~Emily narration in italics~
~Narration, time skip~

Months of bliss
Touches of plush
Every moment feeling like our last
Treasuring every happy moment

"Kingsley!" Emily yells as King- Charlotte chase her through the fields near their home with a water bucket

"Come here did it first" Charlotte says as she chases her wife, her clothes soaking wet from Emily tossing water her way as she was washing her horse

"No! I'm sorry" Emily yells as she laughs so much her stomach hurts, Charlotte catches up to her and tosses the water at Emily causing the poet to scream out as the cold water soaks her white dress

Charlotte laughs as she drops the bucket and walks over to Emily who's pouting, she picks Emily's chin up and smiles down at her charmingly

"It's ok baby.....but you should be used to me getting you wet" Charlotte says causing Emily to blush and nuzzle her head into her wife's chest

Charlotte laughs causing Emily to do the same as she pulls Charlotte close to her

Not noticing Sue watching the two from afar, with Austin next to her looking at the two with bitterness in his chest

Wishing he had that with the love of his life and Sue wishing she had Emily again

Navigating depths of misery
Pain of loss
Pain of losing something you didn't know
Did you want it
Did it leave because you didn't know

Human by Rag'n Bone Man is month later....

"Charlotte!" Emily shrikes from the bathroom as she breaths heavily and screams incoherently, Charlotte rushes upstairs to her wife and her eyes go wide as she sees blood coming from under Emily's dress

Emily hadn't had her period for a month...and this was more blood than normal.....

"Darling.....oh my good darling come here" Charlotte let's out quietly as she rushes over and pulls Emily into a warm embrace

Emily lays against her wife stunned as she didn't know she was pregnant, she didn't know if she wanted children yet or ever

"I'm sorry baby....I'm so sorry...I shou- oh fuck" Charlotte cries against her wife's head and runs her hands over Emily's hair

Blaming herself for her unknown child's death

Emily cups her wife's face and brings her down so their foreheads are connected

"This isn't your fault" Emily says sternly with tears pouring out of her eyes

"It isn't your either" Charlotte cries out causing Emily to finally break down

Redemption of safety
Feelings of guilt
Feelings of anger
Never directed towards the woman of love
Dedication to breaking a curse
Love is well versed

"I just don't understand why you can't talk to him" Charlotte argues as she puts her and Emily's clothes away in their drawers

"Because he is mad at me and you for being happy, there's no talking to Austin when he's not being reasonable" Emily argues back

"But have you understand his point of view....I mean his wife is not in love with him, I'm not saying he's right for being mad but have you give me him understanding when you've told him off" Charlotte says but Emily shakes her head

"I can't when he bad mouths my wife as if you two weren't best friends" Emily argues back and Charlotte sighs as she continues to put things away

"Are you not the least bit bothered by him being so cold toward you, he was your best friend..same with George" Emily asks and Charlotte scoffs

"I was never friends with George and Austin is a grown man and I'm a grown woman, I don't need him to be my friend if he wants to be like he's reminding me of my dad" Charlotte says with a sigh

"Never! those two....Austin is one thing but he is never one to hit a woman or his child...let alone attempt to kill his child" Emily says angrily and points towards her wife who moves her hand

"I'd never call Austin that..point is, he's going through a lot especially with the war" Charlotte says and Emily scoffs

"I don't one speaks Ill of my wife" Emily says angrily, mainly towards Charlotte's ill faded understanding and grace towards Austin

"Well I do...I'm just trying to be understanding not excusing his words" Charlotte says irritatedly

"A little too understanding" Emily fires back

"Someone needs to be" I respond angrily

"And it doesn't need to be you" Emily yells out, Charlotte quick it turns around after slamming her dresser draw shut in frustration causing Emily to flinch away

"My god Emily I-.....Em?" Charlotte says as she looks at her wife who's shielding her face

Charlotte didn't raise a hand but Emily felt the impending fear of being hit once again coming

"Emily...I....I would never hit you..I'm sorry for yelling and getting so upset....can..can I hug you" Charlotte says as Emily looks up at her wife confused and embarrassed

"Yes...I-I'm sorry for thinking that you'd-

"No no...don't's ok...your ok" Charlotte says as she pulls Emily closer and kisses her head as Emily melts into her wife's embrace

"I'd never lay a hand on you....I don't know who did this to you but they will never hurt you again" Charlotte says through gritted teeth as she holds Emily impossibly close

Emily just nods and rubs her wife's back to calm her down, not moving to speak on who has struck her before

Just bliss with my love
My hero
My support
My life line
My person
My strong solider

A/n love just love that


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