Chapter Twelve🕊📝

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Crybaby by Melanie Martinez
~Kingsley narration in print~

The weeks pass by with the no affection
I can't bring myself to show her love
Not when she can't love back
Not when I'm hurt
Not when i can't even be in the same room with her

But it's my fault

Kingsley walks into the house with Edward and Austin as they chat about work today

"Kingsley after you go to see Emily, I'd love to talk about your position in the firm being upgraded so you can provide more to you and Emily" Edward says and Kingsley smiles sadly

"Oh I can talk now, she's probably busy so I wish not to disturb her" Kingsley says causing Austin to look at her shocked as does Edward but he doesn't question it

"Very well....come along" Edward says as he leads Kingsley to his office

Talking over work
Pay raised
Accomplishment came
My heart was still broken
The craving for love was shattered by an action I should have expected
But I let my feelings and cravings get in the way

Kingsley walks out of her father in law's office with him as they see the dinner table is set and everyone sitting down including Emily and Sue, Kingsley awkwardly sits next to Emily and Lavinia

Emily smiles towards her fiancé but he didn't look her way causing her smile to drop, she knew what was wrong but didn't know how to approach it

The lack of acknowledgment was hurting her...and Kingsley

"Let us pray" Edward says excitedly as he takes his daughter and daughter in law's hand

Kingsley takes Lavinia's hand without hesitation but looks at Emily with hesitation, Emily looks at Kingsley with sad eyes as she grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers

Kingsley breaths in heavily as he just looks away but Sue's gaze from across the table burns into Emily causing the poet to duck her head to not meet the intense eyes of her ex

I never wanted to let go of her hand that day
But it hurt to hold it at the same time
It's like a prize you were told is your but know you can't have
It's being played with in front of you
This torture hurts more than the knowing but still receiving platonic love

Kingsley avoids Emily's eyes as they change into their pajamas, Kingsley takes his pants off only as Emily watches him

Her eyes moving down his legs before moving up to see Kingsley staring back, Emily looks away as she hears him sigh and leave the room swiftly

Emily groans in frustration as she heads to her side of the bed and faces the window, her fiancé comes back in his pajama top but with a neutral face still present

Kingsley lays down facing away from Emily causing the poet to develop a lump in her throat before turning the other way

Kingsley feels his heart crack as he can tell that this action hurt Emily, he feels like a child again but he needs to protect himself especially with the wedding coming up

The two fall asleep feeling their heart reaching for each other but their brain's at war

The next weeks
Wake up, go to work, hang out with Austin and George, come home and eat dinner, write to mother, go to sleep. Repeat
No talks, barley any eye contact
No head kisses
It hurts but it must be done
I want to cry
I want to scream
I am in my shell again
Talking as if my father is in the room once again
Wish I was in my personalized tomb

Kingsley sits next to Emily with a distance in between them as Mrs.Dickinson explains that everything is settled with the wedding that is next week

It was pushed back die ti many hard days at work for Kingsley and the work of their home being a little slower

Kingsley smiles and nods as Emily does the same, Lavinia looks at the two sadly as she can see they both are hurt by each other

Kingsley won't tell her and neither will Emily

"Is that all" Kingsley asks nicely but it shocks Mrs.Dickinson, Lavinia and Maggie just the same

"Yes darling" Maggie says and without another word, Kingsley gets up and says he's heading to the kitchen to make lunch

Not even looking back

The woman in the room including Sue look to Emily with concern but Emily also leaves without another word to her room to write her poems

Lookin like she's on the verge of tears

"What is wrong with those two...ever since Edward and I came back from our trip, they are avoiding each other like they are diseased" Mrs.Dickinson complains

"I don't know...must be an argument between them" Maggie says as she looks in the direction Kingsley went

"I hope they figure it out...I miss happy Kingsley and happy Emily" Lavinia says before looking to Sue who is staring at the ground feeling a little guilt in her heart

"Sue" Lavinia says causing Sue to look up quickly

"Yes" She says and Lavinia looks to Sue innocently

"Can you talk to Emily....maybe get her to talk to Kingsley" She asks and Sue gulps before nodding

"I can try" Sue says knowing she's the reason they aren't talking

I can only distract myself for so long
As my wedding is soon
And my bride is going to be attracted to my hip the whole way
But my heart also is attached to her
I wish I could turn my emotions off

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