Chapter Tweny-Three🕊📝

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Hymn for the weekend by Coldplay ft Beyoncé

I sit in my home office doing work from the firm, more like trying to do work, I ball my fists in frustration as my focus is elsewhere

And by elsewhere I mean upstairs in my bedroom

I sigh as I put my paperwork away and walk out of my office, I run my hands through my hair while opening the door to our home

I walk to the mailbox and check it to see if my mother has responded to my letter, I smile as I see a letter addressed to me

I smile and close the mailbox before rushing into the house and go into the living room, I open my letter and frown slightly as I see a familiar letter in the envelope along with another letter

I open the new letter with a frown and set the envelope down on the table nearby

My lovely Charlotte

You are a beautiful soul and I thank you for the money even though it was not needed, I appreciate you everyday for trying to care for me but please....

Never be careless especially with things so dear, I sent your letter back because you failed to see the paper you wrote on had a message only for you

I love you and I wish to see you and Emily thriving, give my love to her and her family

Love mama Daytona

I feel my heart race as I immediately rush to the envelope on the side table and take the letter out, I see my letter but I turn it around to see Emily's handwriting on the other side

I sigh heavily as I see a poem written beautifully....a poem for me?

I think of love, and you
And my heart grows full
And warm, and my breath stands still
I can feel a sunshine stealing into my soul
And making it all summer
And every thorn, a rose

I stand up as I read and feel my stomach drop as I realize everything, every that's been going on for weeks was because I didn't read this poem

The argument, the avoiding, the hesitancy...everything

I drop the poem on the floor as I run up the stairs in what's feels like a snails pace, I run down the hallway to Emily and i's shared bedroom and burst through the door causing her to jump in fright

"Kingsley what the hell" Emily says as she clutches her chest but I breath heavily with tears ready to come out of my eyes

"I knew too" I say as Emily frowns and stands up from her seat

"What are you talking about Kingsley, I have poems to write" Emily says but I stop her

"Your poem....I read love I'm so sorry" I say pleadingly as I walk over to her, Emily's face changes from confusion to shock then to irritation

"Don't lie to me now' She says and I frown

"Why would I lie to you....I read the poem...I made an honest mistake" I say still pleading with Emily

"Kingsley I know you read it weeks ago, you can just say you don't have feelings for me anymore, I get it-

"Emily stop right now!" I say sternly as she walks away from me, Emily looks at me shocked as I clench my jaw

"I have shown my that never left...that has lasted for the many months...months I have been here with you....I-I have felt strong...undeniably...beautiful love for you" I say passionately as I feel the tears pouring out as Emily stares at me shocked

"But y-you can't.....I can't be in this position again not after-

"I breathe for you! I love you heart bursts when I see you body reacts to every touch, every fake kiss we've done...every hug...every smile that's towards me...every second I can hold you in my arms and every waking moment I can be near you or have you near....I never will deny my love for you and you won't deny it either!" I say almost angrily

Emily looks at me with tears in her eyes as she looks around her and shifts in her spot

"How do I know this is real? The love I have craved...wanted...needed for do I know it's real with you...that your not like everyone else" Emily pleads as she walks over to me

"I am not....your father....I am not Sue....I'm not Austin...I am me...and I love you" I say again as I take a step closer to Emily who is ready to burst into tears

"What proof do you have to say this to me...I feel it...but I need to see it" Emily says and I sigh shakily before grabbing her hand

I kiss it harshly and with my eyes shut before looking to Emily once again

"All the proof you need is in the ring I made for you...with my own hands...and my own thoughts and love" I say causing her to sigh as she looks down to her ring and smile softly at it

"Read the poem in it" I insist causing Emily to let out a shaky breath as she continues to stare at the ring

"I have love in my soul that pours into yours, my feelings seeped into me minutes after meeting you, I can never deny, I can be afraid but for how long....when I know I'd rather be afraid with you rather than being scared without you" Emily reads causing me to feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders

Emily looks at me with hesitation, I stare back feeling that pull I felt the day we walked together

"My love" I say with my voice cracking, the silence is killing me with her gaze shooting into mine

"I love you too Kingsley" Emily says as she cries softly, she looks down before looking at me again

We stare at one another in silence once again and I feel my body yearning for her and I can tell she feels the same as she leans towards me

Walls could talk by Halsey starts playing..........

"Come here love...come to me" I say softly and before I can finish my sentence fully, Emily launches towards me and pulls my face into a passionate kiss

I sigh into the kiss and hear her moan softly as my hands move to her waist and squeeze her hips causing Emily to gasp as well

I move her towards the wall and pin her against it before my mouth moves to her neck, I kiss and suck on it as Emily moans out and grabs and scratches at my shirt causing my wrap to come undone slightly inside my shirt

I grind into her desperately as she does the same and moans as she feels my arousal against her

"Are you...fuck...are you sure" I say pulling away slightly before moaning as Emily starts kissing on my neck

"I'm sure....I can't wait any longer Kingsley" Emily says in a whisper as she cups my face and we put our foreheads together

"Call me Charlotte darling" I say in a low voice and smirk, I feel her shiver under my touch causing my dominance to grow within me and..below me

I have her....I need her..I want her...I love her

A/n oh shitttttttttttttttt, welp Lmao


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