Chapter Two🕊📝

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Shameless by Camila Cabello

I stand outside with my suitcases in hand and my parents in front of me, I stare coldly towards them both with my father smiling ear to ear and my mother smiling sadly

"You be the husband I raised you to be amazing boy" My father says as the horse jockey takes my bags with an unenthusiastic smile before shoving them harshly onto my horse

"We are so proud of you" My mother says and I nod, my father puts his hand out for me to shake

I look down at it before shaking it harshly causing him to wince, I look to my mother as I let go of his his hand

My mother pulls me down into a hug causing me to sigh and hug her tightly

"He will never bother you again when I'm done...keep in touch" I whisper into her ear, we pull away and I see her face which shows confusion and worry but I ignore it

"Well....hope to see you soon son" My father says before patting my arm and walking back into the house while dragging my mother with him

I huff before turning around to my horse and getting on with a feeling of emptiness in my chest, I look towards my old home and sigh as I ride off to Amherst from Hadley

As I feel nothing but relief


I huff as I walk down the stair to see my parents, Austin and Lavinia standing in the dinning room with smiles on their faces, my mother turns to me and I hold back my eyes rolling to the back of my head

She's so excited that a suitor is coming to see me and try to take my hand in marriage, this time around I can not refuse due to me refusing every other one around

Even though I have never seen this man and the parents only communicate by LETTERS

"Oh Emily! I am so excited for you to meet your suitor....I have heard he is a handsome man and you with love him....he's educated and he's a charmer as I've heard from his mother and father" My mother says and I sigh

"Yea well all I care about is if he lets me write my poems" I say annoyed as I walk away from my mother who sighs as I lean against the door jam

Where is Sue when you need her

"You don't even want to get to know him, do you sister" Austin teases and I give him a look

"Austin I don't even want to marry this man...I have no choice to marry him at this point" I say and Austin ducks his head before looking out the window

"Maybe he will be a nice could write poems together" Lavinia says causing me to sigh

"Yea that's not happening..I write alone and he will not be near me when I do" I say causing my siblings to sigh and my mother just rubs her head

"You will treat this man with respect Emily...I do not want to hear from him that you were acting out of turn" My father says sternly causing me to just nod as I feel nervous suddenly

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