Chapter Three🕊📝

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Don't let me go by Raign

I stare at the beautiful woman in front of me as she makes nervous steps towards me with her hand firmly clutching the other, surprisingly she nor her family and friend asked about my lip and eye

"What's wrong with your eye" She says causing me to sigh, spoke too soon

"My father hit me....a..disagreement happened last night which brings me back to what I wanted to talk about....I do not want to be married" I say bluntly causing Emily to look at me shocked before she rushes to her door and closes it

"Y-you don't wanna be married either" Emily says in shock and glee

"I do not....I always planned to remain a single man and build my wealth, it already brings struggle to my life that I am black, I didn't want a wife and kids to feel the brunt of my possible falter...or death" I lie, that's not why I don't want to be married but I would rather not speak on that

I just met this girl, she still thinks I'm a man

"Oh....well in that case...I have no plans on being your housewife once we are out of my parents home and playing house" Emily explains and I smirk

"I never intended on making you one" I rebuttal causing Emily to look at me shocked once again

"Wow you are full of thing I know you'll be a woman which would make this all better" She says and my eyes widen but I fix my face immediately

"Oh that's silly....I am...n-not a woman...but uh....Emily I do want to set some ground rules for this marriage" I start and Emily nods nervously before clutching her hands again

"We will have a platonic relationship...purely friendship in private but in public we show affection and make it seem like we're the perfect couple" I say and Emily chuckles causing me to frown

"This is like the plays I have watched and done.....I agree but...I have some ground rules of my own" She says and I nod for her to continue

"I am a poet....I write everyday and all day, I will not be disturbed while I am writing and you are not to stop me from doing what I will always come before you and this marriage" Emily says causing me to tilt my head a bit in interest

"A poet?....I love poetry...I have a bit of a writer side to me as well" I say as I stand up and take a step towards Emily who looks at me curiously

"Really!?....well you must understand me quite well already...please tell me more" She says cutely causing me to smile a bit

"Well I have used it to communicate my feelings...I don't share it with anyone, it's an escape for me" I say and Emily smiles brightly at me before giggling gleefully

"Oh my god, me and to think I didn't even want to get to know you" Emily says and I pretend to be offended

"Wow....I am hurt that you would not want to get to know a random man you are forced to marry" I say causing us both to chuckle

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