Chapter Eighteen🕊📝

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Mama by the same bitch ass nigga I mentioned in the other chapter

I hold Emily close as we walk in the pitch back darkness with only a small fire lighting our way, I look around vigilantly as I listen for threats around us

"Kingsley we are one will get you or I" Emily says as we arrive at her parents home, i sigh as I knock on the door and look at my wife

"I know but as you know I am a black...person and you are married to me....your safety comes first due to that fact" I say, mincing my words just in case were heard, Emily looks at me sadly before kissing my cheek and looking to the door

"I'll be back as fast I can mother said it was urgent and I need to be there" I say and Emily nods

"Well you be safe because I need my...spouse to be back in one piece and not injured in bed matter how much I miss you when you not with me" Emily says sweetly causing me to smile

The door opens to reveal Lavinia causing me to smile wider, I hug her and walk Emily into the house and see Mr and Mrs. Dickinson in the living room

"Oh hello....miss us already" Mr.Dickinson says causing us to chuckle

"Yes but no....I have to return home and I thought it be safer if Emily was here so that she's not in harms way and...Austin and Sue aren't available" I say and Mrs.Dickinson smiles as Mr.Dickinson just nods with a slight smile

"Oh you are a gem...thank you..but please, be safe and if you are not back by morning we will march to find you" Mrs.Dickinson says and I smile before hugging her

"Thank you Mrs.Dickinson...I will return soon....I'll see you when I return darling" I say to my mother in law before turning to Emily

Emily's eyes are filled with worry as she pulls me down into a hug, I wrap my arms around her waist securely and pick her up causing her to laugh cutely

"Don't worry Emily...I'll be ok" I say as I set her down on the floor, I go to walk away but Emily holds my hand so I can't go

She pleads to me in her eyes to stay but I  smile softly and kiss her knuckles before letting her hand go and walking out of the house, I sigh as I look around me to see if anyone can see me

I walk to the stables near our home and open the door, letting my horse walk out proudly, I pat his back with a heavy sigh before looking around me once again

I adjust the gun in my pants as I mount my horse and take off down the path hastily and in a rush


My hands clutch each other as I sit in the kitchen with my mother and Maggie, they are cleaning up after dinner and make food for Kingsley for when she comes back

"Oh Emily, he will be ok...that's one strong man you have" Maggie says with a slight blush on her cheeks causing me to laugh a little

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