Chapter Twenty-Two🕊📝

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Human By RagnBone
~Kingsley's narration in italics~

Time moves still
Three weeks of tensions
Three weeks of feeling a weird presence of anxiety
Leaving home gives me relief
But I miss my home

Week 1

Kingsley walks out of the kitchen sorting through the letters and only seeing some from Sue to Emily and posters for events in the town

Emily walks down the stairs in her white pajamas as she runs her hands through her hair, her mind feeling heavy with thoughts of her wife but her mouth remains shut

The two walk into each other causing them to look up and hold onto each other so the other doesn't fall, Emily looks at Kingsley and her eyes turn sad while Kingsley looks at her wife confused

"Hey Emily....uh...I didn't know you were finished writing, you want to help with lunch" Kingsley asks hoping her love with give her the time of day

" I-I just wanted some water" Emily says causing Kingsley's heart to crack slightly and her hope to fade

"I can get it for you....I don't want you to interrupt your process" Kingsley says sweetly and Emily smiles but she wipes it away

"No...I got have work to do" Emily says before letting go of her and walking to the kitchen

Kingsley looks down sadly as she holds herself back from grabbing Emily and pulling her into her embrace and kissing her

Asking what's wrong

Week 2

Kingsley looks over to her wife sadly as Emily is turned away from her with Kingsley lying on her back, Kingsley turns towards Emily and puts her hand on her wife's hip

" awake" Kingsley asks as she rubs circles into her wife's hips with her thumb...softly and tenderly....and unknowingly

Emily lays awake, her eyes wide open and resisting her instincts to turn around and pull Kingsley into her or move more into her touch

She's afraid to go there with someone again, after Sue left her for her brother while leading her to believe it was only for her safety

Emily is scared to love again, especially her wife who she wants more than anything to confess to her

The poem confession being ignored felt like rejection but she knows deep down that Kingsley wants this too

But fear still remains

"Em...please...let me hold you" Kingsley whispers out, her voice raspy from exhaustion but Emily doesn't budge

Kingsley sighs and moves her hand causing Emily to sigh softly with her eyes stinging with tears

Week 3

The couple walk into Sue and Austin's home hand and hand but it's just as awkward as it was on their wedding day

"Oh nice to see you both....come sit" Edward says as he hugs his daughter and shakes Kingsley's hand

The two walk awkwardly to the couch in the living room and sit down, not making an effort to touch one another like they usually do

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