Chapter Six🕊📝

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Enemy by Imagine Dragons

Proofread up until here so reread everything from here down

I look away from Sue and to the stairs as I see Emily finally joining us, I watch her walk towards me with a smile on her face

Everything feels like it's in slow motion but soon enough she's by my side and holding onto my arm

"Ok let's get this over with....Kingsley are you staying or am I stuck here alone with the coocoo's" Emily asks causing Sue and i to laugh at the same time

I stop as Sue and i eye each other before I turn to Emily who definitely noticed what just happened

"I am staying but only for a bit because I have work to do with your father" I say and Emily pouts causing me to boop her nose, she scrunches her nose up and cracks a smile causing me to do the same

"Ok love birdies please sit..we have events and dishes to choose, it's going to take a bit" Maggie says causing Emily to sigh and sit down, I sit down next to her but I notice Emily is in the middle of Sue and I

"So this is a nice China that the guests can eat off of after you both are to be wed and after the air balloon ride" Mrs.Dickinson says and before I can say anything

Sue interrupts me

"Wait..Austin and I did that for our wedding, why should they do it" Sue asks and I look to Emily who looks annoyed

"Because I want looked fun and I liked the idea..also it's a tradition with our family" Emily rebuttals harshly causing me to frown a bit

"Very well the white dress you will wear Emily is to be tailored to you and Kingsley your suit will be tailored as well by Sue who offered to do both" Mrs.Dickinson says and I let out a sigh

"Great...are we done please...I have poems to write" Emily says causing me to smile a bit as an idea comes to mind

"Emily..the wedding is in a month and we have a lot of planning to patient" Mrs.Dickinson says sternly

"Mrs.Dickinson I have an idea for Emily's attire" I say causing everyone to look at me curiously, I feel Emily grab my hand causing me to look at her

She looks at me confused as her grip on my hand tightens a bit as I just smirk

"I'd like if Emily were to wear a suit with me....tailored to her liking and any color" I say before looking to everyone as they look shocked and almost offended

"What!" Mrs.Dickinson yells causing me to jump

"It is an idea to not be like every wedding...I'd love Emily in a thing she chooses and it is simply an idea and it is up to Emily if she chooses to wear what I suggested" I say as I look from my mother in law to Emily who's smiling ear to ear

"I....I- Emily...what is your decision" Lavinia asks curiously

"I'd like the suit idea" Emily says causing me to smile, she looks to her mother and her smile dims slightly

"But...I can wear a dress after we are finished with the air balloon" Emily says and I sigh a bit

"Hmm! Very well.....what color will this...after air ballon dress be" Mrs.Dickinson asks as she tries to get herself together

"Red" Emily says causing me to look at her shocked, she'd look so good in red

"Emily! You will not wear red are you insane" Mrs.Dickinson yells causing me to sigh

"I have tried to explain to you that as a woman you have certain expectations and duties but you refuse to listen to my words! I will not have my daughter looking a fool at her wedding" She continues shouting

I grab Emily's hand and intertwine our fingers to comfort her, I can see her eyes getting glossier as her mother continues to shout at her

I feel my own anger building up causing me to abruptly stand up with Emily's hand still in mine

"That's quite enough Mrs.Dickinson" I say calmly as I shift my feet, the whole room looks at me shocked and intrigued as stare coldly at my mother in law

"Excuse me" Mrs.Dickinson says confused

"I will not sit here and have you berated my future wife....she knows her place as a woman but I will not hold her back from things that are outside the realm....if a red dress bothers you so much...don't come to the wedding" I say and before Mrs.Dickinson can react, the front door opens to reveal Austin

"Oh there you father asked me to pick you Kingsley..let's go" He says and I nod towards him as I let out a deep breath

I look at Mrs.Dickinson who looks slight amused but embarrassed, I look to Emily and she still looks incredibly sad

I lean down and kiss the top of her head causing her to look up at me in shock but I just smile as my face warms up

"I have to go now....stand your ground" I say before letting go of her hand and walking out with Austin, not saying goodbye to anyone


I sit there frozen as my hand is still reached out for Kingsley, the kiss shocked me but his words to my mother made me freeze up

"Uh ok....very well....Emily we must talk about your china plans as well as you and Kingsley....once he's back...we will talk about the home you both will live in after the wedding" Maggie says and I just nod

"Mom.....I won't wear the red dress...white will be ok" I say softly causing Lavinia to look at me confused

"Why did you change your mind Emily" She asks and I sigh as I hold back some tears

"Uh....just came to my senses a bit...let's pick out some plates" I say changing the subject, I can feel Sue's eyes on me but I ignore them as my mother smiles at me from across the room

This wedding is starting to scare me

A/n welp.....there goes the neighborhood lol


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