Chapter Nine🕊📝

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Not the same way by 5Sos
~Emily Narration/poetry~
~Kingsley Narrations~
~Events and dialogue~

Time moves swiftly
Like wind to a swift flame
Rain on my past imagation
Put into a new love of forced proximity

Kingsley smiles as she walks into the Dickinson home with Austin as they play fight with each other, Edward smiles at his son and son in law before walking away laughing

"Get off me you big goof" Austin whines as Kingsley ruffles his hair as he holds him in a headlock

" made me fall off my horse" Kingsley says laughing as the two fall to the floor and wrestle with Maggie and Mrs.Dickinson laughing at the two

"Enough you two...this is a home not a play yard" Mrs.Dickinson says causing the two men to laugh and separate, shoving each other playfully before standing up

Fiery passion
With a heart of sold gold
With flecks of gold dust reflecting me
Making my feelings linger
My thoughts turning into wonder
Curiousness consumes my being when you are near

Kingsley smiles as he looks up and sees Sue staring at him, Kingsley says nothing to Sue before looking to everyone in the room

"I'm gonna go see Emily" Kingsley says enthusiastically causing Austin to tease him as he rushes up the stairs

"That man is so giddy about Emily" Mrs.Dickinson says happily before walking to the kitchen with Maggie following

"He sure is" Sue says under her breath before walking off to the back of the home leaving Austin to go to his fathers office

Kingsley smiles as he carefully opens the door to Emily and his shared room to see her at her desk writing vigorously

He cracks the door shut before walking over to her and putting his hands on her shoulders

"I'm home....dinner will be ready soon so I'll come get you in a bit" He says causing Emily smile down at her poem and not let Kingsley see but he does in the reflection of the window

"I bet it's amazing"Kingsley says before leaning down slowly and kissing the top of Emily's head

Lips soft like clouds
Softness in a hard shell
Companionship turning into want for something different
A routine that continues through passing days


I make sure Emily feels my love each day
Leaving kisses on her head with my mundane days being the same
Work, kiss Emily's head as she works, plan the wedding, home planning, talk to Emily, write letter to my mother, sleep. Repeat

I come home from work and find myself only wanting my future bride
Wishing I could tell her everything
I want to risk it all
But the risk is much to high for me
Love grows but it is hurting me each day
Her heart still belongs to another
While I am seen as a the poser I have to be

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